1.2GHz Celeron needs to be upgraded


New Member
I want to change out my crappy celeron to at least a pentium 4, someone told me that theres a problem doing that and that I'll need a new power supply???:confused:
Yes that may be the case. You will also need a new motherboard with a socket supporting P4, S775 is what you should get if you want a modern Intel. You will also need some DDR memory sticks, what type depends on the model of motherboard you choose.
Chroniclez05 said:
I want to change out my crappy celeron to at least a pentium 4, someone told me that theres a problem doing that and that I'll need a new power supply???:confused:

Well whats your power supply now? (watts)
Okay, I dont have the money to go out and buy a new motherboard, So would there be a problem with buying a better celeron? I dont know how many watts my power supply is right now (at school)
use cpu-z and see what socket you are in right now. if slot 1 or socket 370 than all the upgrading you can do processor wise is up to 1.3 ghz.
You need to check the mobo specs, I have 2 socket 370's, both limited to 866mhz. Should be a PDF on the mobo drivers cd, or on their website if they are still in business. And with the small change you'd likely see without changing the mobo probably isn't worth it, a used P3 800 or 866 don't recall which, locally was $29, so a 1.3 oughta be more. Might as well go to tigerdirect and get a mobo\cpu with a rebate, pick up some new memory, and powersupply unless yours is 350 to 400 watt, which is unlikely if it's an original build.
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Ehh.. It is a 370. Now I have to decide what I'm going to do with my Christmas money... Spend it on upgrading my pc or buying an xbox 360 (If MS starts spitting more out)

I already bought an extra 128mb ram (brings it up to 256 =\) and an Nvidia GeForce 5500 overclocked pci (I didnt know the diff between agp and pci so i bought the one that i knew would fit the slot) and i can barely run half-life 2 on sucky graphics.
well here's my 2 cents worth, every couple of years I would have to update something in my computer for games(usually $80 or more) since I wouldn't spend the big $ on building a gamer, I bought a standard XBOX, I'm done with computer gaming unless I am forced to play on the pc. No more carpeltunnel(?) from the mouse either. If it wasn't needing T&L, dx9.0 compatible hardware, windowsXP, or something. I had 3 pc games that didn't work until I got a video card that had openGL of 1.5 or better, and windows XP. Now that the games are about the same price across the board that was enough for me. In a year or so, it will be something else. Good luck
MadModder said:
500 dollars is more than enough for a new motherboard, the most a motherboard might run you is 180$.
Well you can find ones more expensive, but an average motherboard is around $100.
Personally I would get the xbox 360, while computers will have better graphics and, in my opinion, better gaming feel, you will not get near the graphics by buying $500 of computer things that you would with buying the 360.

You would need somewhere around an AMD 3000+, 1gb ram and a 6800 or higher series or ATI equivalent to match or beat the 360's graphics. Of course you could always get better parts than those I recommended and obviously better gaming.

please correct me if I am wrong about what you would need to top a 360's performance.
lowcar100 said:
Personally I would get the xbox 360, while computers will have better graphics and, in my opinion, better gaming feel, you will not get near the graphics by buying $500 of computer things that you would with buying the 360.

You would need somewhere around an AMD 3000+, 1gb ram and a 6800 or higher series or ATI equivalent to match or beat the 360's graphics. Of course you could always get better parts than those I recommended and obviously better gaming.

please correct me if I am wrong about what you would need to top a 360's performance.

The GPU in the Xbox 360 is pretty friggin advanced. Here's the specs:

Custom ATI graphics processor

10MB of embedded RAM (eDRAM) framebuffer
48-way ALUs (parrallel floating-point dynamically scheduled shader pipelines) for Vertex or Pixel Shader processing
Unified shader core architecture
500 million triangles per second
16 gigasamples per second fill rate using 4x MSAA (16 filtered and 16 unfiltered texture samples per clock)

It'll be awhile before PC gaming catches up. You also have to consider that when gaming on the 360, all of the system memory is dedicated to gaming. Your PC has to share the system memory with a bunch of other processes (unless you manually shut them down). In terms of pure CPU and GPU power, the Xbox 360 blows 97% of desktop computers out of the water. Here's the 360's CPU:

Three Symnettrical PowerPC-based CPU cores each running at 3.2GHz each
Two hardware threads per core; six total

Of course, you can't do any word processing on the 360, so that's a HUGE drag...But if you want a mean gaming machine, the 360 is the choice for you - until AFFORDABLE PC options appear. I saw affordable because when a PC comes out that can do 6 hardware threads at 3.2GHz each, it'll cost 1000 bucks just for the chip. . . .let alone a comparable graphics card. If you wanted, you could buy the 360 just for gaming (even though FPS games are a little better with a keyboard and mouse), and get a cheap PC to do all your graphics work and word processing on (that's what I do).

In terms of pure computing power, the PS3 is going to be better than the 360 (without a doubt), but the graphics processing unit in the PS3 is a 7800GT (I believe), and is still more than 1 1/2 years behind the one in the 360. The PS3 also has half the system memory the 360 has (which is REALLY bad for the PS3). I'll be getting a PS3 (Playstation games are the shiznit), but the 360 has more potential in a graphical sense (besides, the 360 is getting a ramped up version of BattleField 2, Gears of War, and a TON of other amazing games). If anyone decides to go with a top of the line PC, they'll be paying a few thousand dollars, while the 360 and PS3 will outperform it (for the time being), and the 360/PS3 owner will be saving a LOT of money (money better used on a 40 inch 1080p when they come out).
If you're gonna build, watch tigerdirect, they havebeen having some good sales. Just put this Celeron together for about $170 after rebates. There was an excellent deal on an Athlon 64 3700 barebones awhile ago, I thought about that one too..