1.3 Celeron vs 1.3 AMD Duron


New Member
How much of a difference would there be between a Celeron 1.3 and AMD Duron 1.3? The reason why I ask is because my neighbor just bought a AMD Duron 1.3 to replace his Celeron 1.3 and thinks he will see a huge difference.
THats what I thought, the only thing that he may see a difference in is that fact that the Mobo he has now supports PC133 and thats it, the new one is DDR
It depends if the 1.3Ghz Celeron was just an underclocked netburst-based CPU, if thats the case, then the Duron all the way! :p
[-0MEGA-];456049 said:
It depends if the 1.3Ghz Celeron was just an underclocked netburst-based CPU, if thats the case, then the Duron all the way! :p

I have no clue what kind of Celeron it is, but I do know that is about 5-6 years old and came with his HP desktop he bought at Radioshack 5-6 years ago
You know for some reason I had a feeling I was going to get an answer like that :D

The Celeron is just a stripped down version of the Pentium, thats why I said that Celeron would most likely be based off either the very end of the P3 era, or the beginning of the P4 (netburst) era.

I believe the Duron is a class of it's own, I don't think it's a "stripped down" version of another processor, like the Sempron and Athlon 64 are.
[-0MEGA-];456161 said:
I believe the Duron is a class of it's own, I don't think it's a "stripped down" version of another processor, like the Sempron and Athlon 64 are.

I might be completely wrong buuuutt.. Wernt the duron's stripped down versions of the AMD Thunderbirds?
They were stripped down versions of a few Athlon cores: Thunderbird, Palomino, and some Thoroughbred.
I think Socket 462 (A) Durons is more faster and preferable than Socket 370 Celerons like 1,3 Ghz, so if you are using DDR motherboard like KT266A or better your performance would be fine (for this class machines)
Why, after running a workstation with a celeron for 5-6 years would he supposably "upgrade" to a Duron 1.3? I didn't even think Durons were still on the market.