1.8 saying 1.1


New Member
ive got a fastfame board with a amd athlon xp chip thats a 1.8, but its only saying its a 1.1.ive tried to up the cpu in bios but its only letting me take it to 1.2. when i reboot the pc it gets to the first screen (where it scans the memory) and tells me amd athlon 1.2 100X1.2

1)= does this mean its got a multiplier ?
2)= is it possible to overclock it ?
3)= can anyone tell me how to achieve this ?
If this is a Athlon XP 2200 that runs at 1.8ghz its suppost to be set at 133 FSB and the X at 13.5, think the voltage is 1.65, some bios list the FSB as 266 instead of 133
If this is a Athlon XP 2200 that runs at 1.8ghz its suppost to be set at 133 FSB and the X at 13.5, think the voltage is 1.65, some bios list the FSB as 266 instead of 133

ok, now you lost me?i know where voltage is but not "FSB or X"
i'l have a look for them tho
ive got a fastfame board with a amd athlon xp chip thats a 1.8, but its only saying its a 1.1.ive tried to up the cpu in bios but its only letting me take it to 1.2. when i reboot the pc it gets to the first screen (where it scans the memory) and tells me amd athlon 1.2 100X1.2

1)= does this mean its got a multiplier ?
2)= is it possible to overclock it ?
3)= can anyone tell me how to achieve this ?

Please be clearer so people can understand, perhaps your mixing up two different things?

ok, now you lost me?i know where voltage is but not "FSB or X"
i'l have a look for them tho

If you did not understand what he said you should do more research before you play around with your BOIS settings. You can easly harm your computer if you do not fully understand what your doing. You can start by reading the CPU 101

Good luck!
If you got a Athlon XP 2200 it should say 1.8ghz or 2.0 ghz. my emachine used to say that. i ended up flashing the bios and reseting the bios. it helped my pc out. May be thats what you need to do

its the multiplier....you should be able to see the multiplier in the bios...my 3500 goes down to 1.4 when i try to overclock it because the multiplier drops from 11 to 7 and for some reason locks. I have to reset the bios by removing the battery then replacing it to get it back running at 11
I have had a few boards that did the same thing, most had a bios update to fix it, you might need to check, anyway he has a XP athlon, does not have Cool n Quiet, XP Athlons had Power now with (M) processors in laptops
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