100 - 450


New Member
Well, I'm kinda lost on the whole over clocking deal... but in my BIOs it said something about 100 - 450 (I forget what the property name was), and it was set at 200... Is that my clock speed? I bumped it up to 205 to see if there were any changes and I went from 3 ghz to 3.08 ghz.

Also, are there any symptoms other than instability and overheating that I should look for?

At 3.08 ghz, I don't think I will have any... but what should I watch for?

also, What temperature should my CPU get to? Max...
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maybe you should learn more about overclocking before you jump in and mess around with settings you know nothing about:confused:
maybe you should learn more about overclocking before you jump in and mess around with settings you know nothing about:confused:

I did read through some stuff, and I knew that it wouldn't instantly fry my computer or anything... I read about the stuff I needed to change, I just couldn't find anything specific enough... but I found what was the most similar setting to what I had read about.

There is no way on earth I would have bumped it up any more as an exeriment though... I'm going to get a new CPU cooling system before I leave the settings though.
What are your system specs?....and if your temps go above 60*c i would back off
Yeah... after a little bit, it shot up to 80-ish (...180... I'm a fahrenheit person myself).

I figured I'd better back it off a little... especially until I get a new cooling system.
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I think it is screwed up... I switched the settings back to normal and shut it off for a long time, took the side of the case off, and pointed a big fan at it. Later, I cam back and turned it on... it said 181 F (80 C) as soon as I turned it on.

When I buy a new Heatsink and Fan, will it have a different thermometer?
I think it is screwed up... I switched the settings back to normal and shut it off for a long time, took the side of the case off, and pointed a big fan at it. Later, I cam back and turned it on... it said 181 F (80 C) as soon as I turned it on.

When I buy a new Heatsink and Fan, will it have a different thermometer?

Is the HSF installed properly? Is it plugged in?
Well 80C is way way way too high. Did it read that high before or when you were overclocking?
I don't know about before... but I put it back to normal, let the PC sit a couple hours (off) with the side off of the case and a big fan blowing on it, and almost as soon as I turned it on, it was up at those temps...

Right now it says my Mobo is at 93F and my CPU is 179F (84C, 34C)... it seems like if my processor was really that hot, my motherboard would be a bit hotter...

I see no performance issues right now.

But where is the CPU thermometer? on the motherboard right below the CPU? On the heatsink? or on the CPU itself?

A 5 mhz bus speed increase wouldn't be enough to cause heat that high over the should-be maximum... If it really is overheating that much, should I Under Clock to like 2.5 Ghz (from 3.00 retail)?
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You can raise the FSB all you want, as long as you don't overvolt the temps will not rise. That rules out the OC. The other two things I can think of is a faulty chip or a faulty sensor. Why don't you try touching the HSF to see how hot it really is?
You can raise the FSB all you want, as long as you don't overvolt the temps will not rise. That rules out the OC. The other two things I can think of is a faulty chip or a faulty sensor. Why don't you try touching the HSF to see how hot it really is?
I did, it didn't seem too hot... but I have no sense of temperature... I can't tell the difference.

I say sensor... I keep asking... but does anyone know where the sensor is?

PS: if I can raise the FSB all I want, why is it not set at 450 or whatever? stability? :confused: