$100 budget


backround story- this year for chistmas i built a new comp, my signature rig. problem is, i forgot to get a graphics card, and have been using the crappy integrated graphics. now that my parents have bought all my giftcards from me, i have an extra $100 to buy a pci express card. though it would be nice to have some left over, i still want a good card. i'm considering(tigerdirect and newegg only):

pny 7600gs 256mb

512mb open box biostar 7600gs

HIS 256mb 1600pro SILENT

wants in a card: at least one dvi port, 2 not necessary, a video multi out for use on a standard tv, 1 slot cooling preferred but not a deal breaker. sli/crossfire don't matter, my motherboard doesn't support it. silent/quiet would be nice, as mt cpu cooler is pretty quiet and so is my exhaust fan. rebates are fine.
thanks for all the opinions, i guess i can try to stretch a bit. is bobo's 7600gs really $25 better than my first one? silence isn't worth much more than $10 to me. at the moment i have about $113, i will have to scrounge around for a few bucks if i want that gt... also, would my power supply be good enough to handle the gt?
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thanks for all the opinions, i guess i can try to stretch a bit. is bobo's 7600gs really $25 better than my first one?
All 3 cards listed here have identical specs, except for the memory size. The 512MB will make some difference, but not huge. I would recommend either get the first one you listed, or the 7600gt.
also, would my power supply be good enough to handle the gt?
Yep, although that PSU worries me. Its 12v rails seem too good to be selling for $30. But yes, it will support a 7600gt.
All 3 cards listed here have identical specs, except for the memory size. The 512MB will make some difference, but not huge. I would recommend either get the first one you listed, or the 7600gt. Yep, although that PSU worries me. Its 12v rails seem too good to be selling for $30. But yes, it will support a 7600gt.

yeah, it surprised me too when i saw it. but it's not a misprint, that's what the side of the psu says aswell. thanks for the advice bobo and others, i think i'm gonna go search for a couple dollar bills :)
I'm selling a 6800GS for $100, slightly better then the 7600GS i believe

EDIT: Much better actually...
the 6800GS that I have is also stock clocked very well... under GPU review, set the clocks for 485/1100(550)

the 7600GT is about 600 points better in 3DM05
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I would consider the x800gt. It is better then a 7600gs, but not quite as good as a 7600gt; but for the price, it is your best option, unless you buy something used.
I would consider the x800gt. It is better then a 7600gs, but not quite as good as a 7600gt; but for the price, it is your best option, unless you buy something used.

good card, but will only having directx 9.0b make any difference? and since you have that card, can you enable the disabled pipes?

EDIT and kusama's 6800 gs kicks it's ass big time.
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You cann't unlock any extra pipelines because it doesn't have any extra. I have ran this card side by side with a 7600GS and a 7600GT at a lan party i had at my house awhile back. It was getting about an extra 5-10fps then the 7600gs, but was about 5-8fps under what the 7600GT was doing. It is a decent card, especially for $80!
You cann't unlock any extra pipelines because it doesn't have any extra. I have ran this card side by side with a 7600GS and a 7600GT at a lan party i had at my house awhile back. It was getting about an extra 5-10fps then the 7600gs, but was about 5-8fps under what the 7600GT was doing. It is a decent card, especially for $80!

yeah, gpureview says it has some disabled pipes, must be another model. so it's pretty much inbetween the gs and gt, but cheaper than the gs. decisions, decisions. if i get the x800gt i can get todays woot... if i get the 7600gt i'll be broke.

moto- how loud is the x800gt?


i don't like this review...

Reviewed By: Reid on 6/15/2006 Reviewed By: Reid on 6/15/2006 Rating + 1
Tech Level Tech Level: high - Ownership: less than 1 day

Pros: The only PRO I had working with this miserable excuse for a graphics card was the excellent service from Newegg.

Cons: I read the reviews when I bought this card. Some people said it died on arrival and others said it died after a few weeks. "Whatever," I thought, "the people reviewing are probably hardcore gamers or overclockers and probably expected the best from this functional card." WRONG! I put this card into my computer. 10 seconds later, dead. No signal to the monitor. No nothing. I highly urge you to stay away from this card. I immediately called Newegg to RMA. Do yourself a favor and buy from a more reputable brand, or at least from a product with better reviews. Trust me, it's worth it.

Other Thoughts: Imagine building a computer, spending hours laboring on it, only to have the video card short out within seconds. Please don't buy this card.
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