Sorry if this question is obvious, but my knowledge of computers isn't great. I want to buy a new monitor for when I return to college, and I was thinking about getting something like a 24 inch monitor that has a 16:9 aspect ratio so that I can hook up my Xbox 360 and watch movies in their native resolution without the black bars. However, I don't think my video card supports a resolution like 1920 x 1080, and I can't find any drivers to change the supported resolutions. The max resolution that is supported though is 1920 x 1200 though, so does that mean I can just make a custom resolution of 1920 x 1080 because it is within the scope of my video card? Will having a custom resolution change the stability of my system or have a worse quality than one of the supported resolutions? Also, is it easy enough to make a custom resolution that someone with limited ability can create one? My video card is a NVIDIA GeForce Go 7400. Thanks for your help!
Actually, the support site says that the component mode supports 1080P, but I can just ignore that because I am going to be using VGA or DVI for my computer right?
Actually, the support site says that the component mode supports 1080P, but I can just ignore that because I am going to be using VGA or DVI for my computer right?