18MB Broadband


New Member
Well, you are wishing you have what they have in Japan, and I am wishing to have what you currently have. I work on a 1 MB ADSL at work and going to get a 256 kbps one at home. I feel that I am ages back from the whole world, why don't they just install high speed lines directly from the beginning here in Egypt :mad:


New Member
I'm in Turkey and have 256 kbps adsl right now. They say that it will be improved to 512 kbps.
Anyway, i remember my dial up days..
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Staff member
we have 5mbps here regardless of distance.
Actually if it was 5000KM, i'd have it too ... and so would most things within intercontinental ballistic missle range....


New Member
Praetor said:
Actually if it was 5000KM, i'd have it too ... and so would most things within intercontinental ballistic missle range....

If this is true as Praetor says, I would be able to apply for a residential ADSL from Japan without any effect on the speed at my end :D


New Member
Yeah well until they make Broadband like that you will have to wait for your provider to get faster while we both envy Japan :mad: :p