1st time Computer building


New Member
Hi, This is my 1st time building my own computer, and I wanna know if I have all the parts needed, and if they are the right ones for my price range. I'm trying to build a Gaming Desktop with a price range around $900-$1100 Btw.




Video Card

Power Supply

hard Drive


16 gb of ram is overkill, 8gb is plenty. Also, you don't need to spend that much on a power supply. This one will do just fine.

Power supply - http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139020

Memory - http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145345

Do you already have a dvd drive and Operating system?

i wouldnt say 16 is overkill seeing as running BF3 with all top top settings takes up around 8gb of mem, sometimes a bit less some times a bit more
No, it doesn't... It barely uses 2gb.

actually i was wrong. i meant o say it uses over 4 so he should get atleast 8 because i had a habbit of correcting people saying 4 was enough, but yeah 8 is fine, however it uses abut 6gb not 2... you obviously dont have it on all the highest settings if your getting 2