2 17"crt monitors


New Member
hi all i need to cheap crt's and i cant find any anywhere do they even make am any more? i cant honestly find anything, any ideas? or just any monitor thats cheap and im in uk but anything i need em pretty quick! mines on blinker lol.

thanks guys!!!:D
Well i dont know about the UK, but here all the stores like Best Buy, Circuit City, and all other electronics stores sell 17"-18" CRT's.

Just to point out, two 17" CRT's arent that good for a dual-monitor setup, mainly because theres a 3-4" gap between the screens when there next to each other.
[-0MEGA-] said:
Just to point out, two 17" CRT's arent that good for a dual-monitor setup, mainly because theres a 3-4" gap between the screens when there next to each other.
still better then 1 monitor... even with the gap....
hey thanks for the replies, im on a tight budget and honestly dont have the money to spare but they are for 2 computers and for working in clubs cos im a vj and have had countless keyboards and near moniters ruined, none so far luckly, thanks anyways guys!!!
[-0MEGA-] said:
Well i dont know about the UK, but here all the stores like Best Buy, Circuit City, and all other electronics stores sell 17"-18" CRT's.

Just to point out, two 17" CRT's arent that good for a dual-monitor setup, mainly because theres a 3-4" gap between the screens when there next to each other.

tha tis what i was gonna just say
[-0MEGA-] said:
Well i dont know about the UK, but here all the stores like Best Buy, Circuit City, and all other electronics stores sell 17"-18" CRT's.

Just to point out, two 17" CRT's arent that good for a dual-monitor setup, mainly because theres a 3-4" gap between the screens when there next to each other.
i have about a 1ft. gap between mine. i prefer one to be in the middle since it switches out of dual monitor mode when im gaming, but the extra desktop space is kind of cool... the gap doesn't bother me.
cheers guys, if i bought a monitor in the us and had it shipped over would all the voltage settings be cool or not? or would i need an adapter? also is it possibe to have some divider where i can have the one moniter for both comps? is this possible? i cant find anyting and ive never heard about it before. thanks in advance!!! cheers!
haha cheers mate, since the last time i checked ebay they was nowt on! its all about buying now, cheers man! wicked!!!
Yeah when I look for something i search the select "buy-it-now" then "price - lowest first" its the best way to catch a fast deal.

Good luck

Schools often sell old monitors cheap when they're buying new LCD's to replace the old ones. My school has about 10-15 CRT's just lying around, wonder if I should buy one? :p