2 Computers-Make into 1?


New Member
Hey all, this is my first post, but definatly not my last. Looks like a good forum to be apart of!

Anyway. I have 2 computers to myself, meaning I can do what I want to them. I want to take both and put them together into one machine, but I dont know which to add to or if it will benefit me at all. Heres the simple specs of each, found in System Properties. Ill call them PC 1 and PC 2.

PC 1:
AMD-K6 3D Processor
501 MHz
192 MB of RAM

PC 2:
AMD-K7 Processor
499 MHz
256 MB of RAM

Some bg info on the PCs: PC 1 I bought at an auction for about $180. PC 2 we bought new from Compaq a few years ago. Whether it is still stock i dont know(had a techy stepdad that got this one, was great with computers and electronics. Did many aftermarket things to his PCs). Both have Windows XP and run great in my opionion. Let me know what you think asap. Id like to do this tonight or tomorrow. Thanks.
Ouch...$180 recently? No offence but that's quite a rip off for such a computer. I mean if I sold my old 733, it'd probably be under $100, unless someone's willing to pay more!

Anyway, with what you got... Well, I'd first check the RAM in the K6 and be sure it's pretty fast(say as fast or faster than what's in the K7. If you have extra slots and it is fast or faster, you could stick it in the K7 machine for a bit of extra memory.

You didn't specify what else they had, but you could stick the harddrives in one machine, CD-ROM's in one machine(you could have a total of 4 drives, CD ROMs and Harddrives)

If one or the other has a video card, you could find which is better and stick it in the K7. If they don't, I have some AGP video cards I wish to sell. PM me if you're interested ;)

Um...that's about it really
The PC I got from an auction was about 2 years ago.

The K7 has a regular CD-ROM and a CD-RW, with a 4.02 GB hdd? (How do you get a 4.02 hdd? thats like nothing.) The K6's CD-Rom bit the dust, someone broke it while it was out ie: pushed down on it... and it says it has a 12.6GB hdd, which is low as well. Im getting the hdd space info from Total Size in My computer. Maybe if the 4gb was reformatted it would find more space? I didnt know they even had those that low.

Keep in mind, these arent my only computers, this is more of a project I want to do, and an extra pc to have.
Hmm...if the HD was just 4.00G or 3.99G, I'd feel more sure about this :p Windows 98's install would partion the drive into many different 4G partitions. For example, my bro's old Dell with a 6G has a 4G partition and a 2G partition that's not even activated(he's not too savy :p) I'm suspecting this problem, seeing the age of the machine, but it could just be an old drive... Seeing as you have XP on them, just right click on My Computer, and click Manage. Then find drive management and find the info there.
Hmm. I took a look. Dont know if I found anything of importance. I definatly like the K7 more, it seems more secure and newer. If the ram is the same I could take what I have out of this and put it in there. And for the HDD. Most of what I want is on this hdd, so can I take this hd and put it into the K7 without a problem? Id make the 4g a slave but it doesnt matter to me either way. I plan on buying a new hd soon anyway. Sorry if I sound like a n00b. I kinda am, been awhile since I messed around with my computers, lol.
BTW, I found out the K7 has a NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 400 video card, is this any good? Bought it again, like 2 years ago. Whats your thoughts on me doing all of this. Whats my best scenario?
If you are correct and it's a K7, that's a very nice processor. An early Athlon. Not super, but very good and should be much faster than the K6.

If you just want to run duel HD's, yeah, you just need to change the jumper(s) on the drive to slave. Sometimes you'll have to set the primary drive to Master with a slave present(Western Digital drives are picky about that...)

Eh, the GF2 MX 400 isn't a gamming card, that's for sure. You wouldn't have much luck doing any games at todays standards, but they did have great TV out functions for their time.

From the current looks of things, you might just be best to remove the harddrive and maybe RAM from the older of the two and stick them both in the K7. It doesn't really sound like there's much else you could really use from the other...
Exactly. So heres what Im thinking. Take the ram if possible and HD from the K6 and put them into the K7. Can I just swap the HD's completly? The HD in here is a Maxtor. Would I have to change anything like jumpers or settings at all?
Thanks for all the fast informative help. Might get this done tonight after all.
First off, the RAM will work in both machines. Being that age, they should both be SD-RAM. However, some might be PC-66, or PC-100, maybe even PC-133. I beleive all the athlons used PC-100 minimum... Anything slower would slow the rest of the RAM down to match...

As for the Harddrive, if you swap them(say maste from one to master on the other) you wouldn't have to switch any jumpers if they are alone. However, you might have to reload windows as XP doesn't like major switches in hardware.

Whatever you do, maxtor drives, from what I've worked with, really only have two settings, Master and Slave. Forget about cable select. Hopfully both drives are Maxtor, it'll save you some trouble of guessing the settings ;)
Hah, the other drive is a Quantum Bigfoot??

Im thinking it might be better to just maybe start over completly. Would I be better starting from scratch getting a totally new mobo and cpu or would the K7 last me? I dont plan on playing pc games on it, but if im doing a complete overhaul why not.
Oh man, I remember the Bigfoots! That's definetly a 4.3G ;P

The K7 would do ok on the internet. Probably anything aside from flash files would display and work just fine. Flash files would but they'd be quit sluggish.
I use and have used the K6 and K7 for Graphic Arts and web design, using programs like adobe, dreamweaver, flash, etc. I think ill be fine for now, I can always upgrade.

Well it looks like im going parts shopping. For the K7 I need some SDRAM, max is 512 so I really only need 1 256mb of ram to total 512. Also need a HDD for the K7, not sure what size im looking for, probably a 80 or 120gb. One of our computers upstairs is a 631MHz Intel Celeron with only 64mb or RAM, I need to pick more up for it. Anyone know what it takes? Might save me the trouble of opening it up. Other than that I think I should be set. Am I missing anything? Also if you know anywhere with some good deals let me know! Thanks!
That celeron should take PC-100 SD-RAM, MAX... It's probably just PC-66, though... My grandparents Celeron 700 is, but I think a few had 100MHz FSB...

Hehe, I had loads of that RAM(well PC-133) that I just sold to someone on here. Sorry :rolleyes:
The_Other_One said:
As for the Harddrive, if you swap them(say maste from one to master on the other) you wouldn't have to switch any jumpers if they are alone. However, you might have to reload windows as XP doesn't like major switches in hardware.

Can anyone confirm this for me really fast? I have some pics I can post as im confused on some of the ribbons.(I have a ribbon that has 2 connectors, on says slave and the other master, but they are plugged into the CD ROM and CD RW drives, this right?)

I took the HD from my K6 and put it into my K7, but I got the dreaded Blue screen, and it wanted me to install or upgrade windows. Let me know about ribbons too, thanks. If you want the pics just let me know.
Completed! Somehow, after I added the ram and CD ROM, and HD again, it found it! I still have all my files and everything, and its just like before! Thanks for all the help guys, really. :)