48 hour computer infection


My computer was infected by " snapdo.com" and it took 48 hours and $129 to (hopefully) clear it. It appears by a pop up that informs you that your Java has to be updated to the latest version in order to view the page you are on. It even appeared on this site today . Then if you click to download the Java update, boom, snapdo.com starts to download and it won't let you cancel the download. Afterwards it also freezes your mouse and you can't delete the program under the computers program files. My internet provider worked on it for two days and that's who charged the $129 but I also signed up for a subscription which costs $10 a month for future infections to get tech support.
You got taken by your internet provider. If you would have came here first, we could have this taken care of within hours and would have cost nothing.
You got taken by your internet provider. If you would have came here first, we could have this taken care of within hours and would have cost nothing.

Have you heard of this unwanted program (snapdo.com) before and why was McAfee useless in dealing with it ? How was it able to prevent me from removing it under "programs" . I right clicked on it and nothing happened, other times I can uninstall programs doing this .

I think the reason that they charged as much as they did is because then they offer a year round tech help for only $9.99 a month . Is this worth it to sign up for ? It wasn't that easy because it took them 3 sessions to clear it for good. After the second session the program still wanted to come back again and that was when I was here at this site and not at some suspicious site. They cleared a lot of other junk out from the computer as well. I bet it would have been very frustrating and anxiety causing if I would have attempted to do it on my own. As you know from previous times I am not at all knowledgeable when it comes to Computers.
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No, its not worth it signing up for a monthly tech service. Yes, i've heard of snapdo, seen it many of times and its easily removable. Snapdo is adware/malware, just uninstalling it won't totally remove it from your system. Mcafee is what we call a traditional antivirus program, designed for actual viruses not adware or browser plugins/search engines like snapdo.
No, its not worth it signing up for a monthly tech service. Yes, i've heard of snapdo, seen it many of times and its easily removable. Snapdo is adware/malware, just uninstalling it won't totally remove it from your system. Mcafee is what we call a traditional antivirus program, designed for actual viruses not adware or browser plugins/search engines like snapdo.

Why are companies that make these programs, such as snapdo, allowed to download them into people's computers that don't want it ? They aren't allowing us the choice of whether or not to accept it but are forcing it on us by not allowing us to stop it's download and then making it difficult to uninstall it . Why isn't there a law against this ?

Why isn't it worth it to pay $9.99 a month for unlimited tech support ? I mean not for someone like you who obviously wouldn't need it but for someone like me , lol
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Why pay for something when you can come here for support for free? Remember its called malware for a reason. It gets installed without your knowledge or approval.
Johnb35 is right.
That is nothing but a malware which could have been easily removed for free if you came here for help.

As for the law against this...well...new malware is being made every day so it is impossible to track all of it so laws wouldn't really help you here.
As compensation for not being able to prevent this, McAfee offered me a free 90 extension of my subscription . That is worth about $15 I guess . I was surprised that they didn't say that I should have contacted them for assistance as they did once before when I had a similar matter.

I must say though that my Internet provider did a very nice job in cleaning up my computer. They did remove all the "tools" that they used ,to prevent one from seeing how to do it and they even removed what I had installed on my own ( Malwarebytes ) in the process , lol
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