4gb Ram??


New Member
hey guys I was just wondering if 4GB RAM is really worth it. I am getting 2GB RAM on my new comp but theres 2 extra slots. Should I add another 2 1GB rams?
Windows only addresses 3GB. What programs are you running? Some can take advantage of up to the 3GB, but many many don't.
m3incorp said:
Windows only addresses 3GB. What programs are you running? Some can take advantage of up to the 3GB, but many many don't.
Windows XP x32 (Home, Pro, MCE) can address up to 4GB. Windows XP x64 (Pro x64) can address up to 64GB or 128GB.

Personally i dont think its worth it, since usually you wont even use 3/4 of your 2GB of RAM.
Burgon said:
Really? 3/4? than I can get 1.5GB RAM :D LOL
Well then it wont be dual channel. Games vary greatly, but its safe to say that a new game will take anywhere frm 300MB-600MB of RAM. And say around 200MB for windows, and whatever else you have running in the background. It's also good to have more free ram, that way the Page File is smaller and windows runs quicker.
I dont think it will really help. After a point the more you add, the less you are going to notice it. Diminishing returns,
i'll be using somewhere between 4-8 gigs in my next build (specifically for windows vista) should my budget allow :p

however its not really worth going over 2 gigs in windows xp; plus a lot of current hardware will show a drop in speed when you got past a particular amount of ram
Hairy_Lee said:
i'll be using somewhere between 4-8 gigs in my next build (specifically for windows vista) should my budget allow :p

however its not really worth going over 2 gigs in windows xp; plus a lot of current hardware will show a drop in speed when you got past a particular amount of ram
vista will require that much? or what
minimum reported usage so far is about 900 megs. i saw a preview where they ran far cry on vista and the memory requirements where a fair bit higher than when running on xp. i'm also looking forward to more advanced games coming out.... we're already seeing games using nearly 2 gigs of ram on xp so it wouldn't be surprising to see games using 4 gigs and more in a relatively short period of time
whebn u have 4 dims runnin gat once it is harder for ur mobo to keep teh memory organized and is harder for the prossesor to prosses so it when u have over 2 dims it slows ur prossesor
AMD gs player said:
whebn u have 4 dims runnin gat once it is harder for ur mobo to keep teh memory organized and is harder for the prossesor to prosses so it when u have over 2 dims it slows ur prossesor
:confused: dude do u know how to type at all, i really didn't understand a word you were saying
AMD gs player said:
whebn u have 4 dims runnin gat once it is harder for ur mobo to keep teh memory organized and is harder for the prossesor to prosses so it when u have over 2 dims it slows ur prossesor
Err... no. Running 4 double sided dimms on a current athlon 64 platform will usualy force a 2T comand rate, but that has nothing to do with what your talking about.
AMD gs player said:
whebn u have 4 dims runnin gat once it is harder for ur mobo to keep teh memory organized and is harder for the prossesor to prosses so it when u have over 2 dims it slows ur prossesor
*He Means This:*

When you have 4 dimms running at once, it's harder for your motherboard to keep the memory organized, and it's harder for the processor to process. So when you have over 2 dimms, it slows down your processor.

That should be a bit clearer. :)
I have 2gigs and never use anything close to that amount even with video editing, down loading, burning a movie, playing music and 20 open windows at the same time!
[-0MEGA-] said:
*He Means This:*

When you have 4 dimms running at once, it's harder for your motherboard to keep the memory organized, and it's harder for the processor to process. So when you have over 2 dimms, it slows down your processor.

That should be a bit clearer. :)
Which is still wrong... lol.