4k PC budget :)


New Member
I've got at 4000$ +-500$ budget for at new PC. I was thinking about building it myself. The only thing i'm sure off is, that it must be liquid cooled, and look nice. To sum it down. I want a good looking, high preformance PC for 4k$ +-500$
Any advice about good hardware, Etc. :)

Additional info. I do not live in the US. I'm European. ATM living in Denmark . But anything can be ordered, from anywhere :)
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I do not live in the US. I'm European. But anything can be ordered, from anywhere

^^^ @Wolfeking, im not too sure on sandy bridge e parts so you may have to take over on this one :p, but for europe, i presume hes best off getting it from ebuyer, or dabs if they ship to the rest of europe. Hope this helps anyone recommending parts :p
I'm not so much for ordering comp parts from ebay.
I´ve been browsing the Inet for some good, and visual parts. F.x the Assassin motherboard, and the I7 extreme processor. Are these parts as good as they say, or?
I'm quite fond of the Thermaltake Level 10 GT LCS case. Does any1 know if this is any good?
4000$ => aprox 20000DKK ... just to point it out
Ahh, do you know of any well rated computer sites in your neck of the woods? Just wondering as there may be restrictions or extrra charges for shipping parts from places.

I do not live in the US. I'm European. But anything can be ordered, from anywhere

^^^ @Wolfeking, im not too sure on sandy bridge e parts so you may have to take over on this one :p, but for europe, i presume hes best off getting it from ebuyer, or dabs if they ship to the rest of europe. Hope this helps anyone recommending parts
A PC built with 4k budget will be about 5% faster in real world tasks than a 2k one...
I'd wait til a few more Sandy Bridge E motherboards are released, then get the unlocked CPU (i7-3930X?). 16GB RAM is cheap, you'll need as good quality 1000W PSU, GPU GTX580.
A PC built with 4k budget will be about 5% faster in real world tasks than a 2k one...
I'd wait til a few more Sandy Bridge E motherboards are released, then get the unlocked CPU (i7-3930X?). 16GB RAM is cheap, you'll need as good quality 1000W PSU, GPU GTX580.

Agreed. Even 8GB of fast RAM, a 2600k with a good cooler for overclocking, and dual 580s will eat anything and everything up. Don't waste your money just because you want the absolute best. Spending $1000 on a CPU is just a waste.
I'd recommend an 1155 build over 2011 if the primary use will be gaming and general web browsing etc.