5000MB max save to bluray - age old question I know...


New Member
I have been burning to bluray some HD camcorder clips..for archive purposes. Simply using the LG burner software I got when i recently purchased my bluray burner.

Happy enough with the results, and time it takes to burn..HOWEVER..I only seem to be able to manage to burn around 13 clips..well..20minutes worth anyway before it tells me insufficiant space etc.

Now..naturally i want to archive as maximum quality..but i was hoping to save a lot more to one disk...i mean..bluray disks are not the cheapest!..

5000mb Appears to be the maximum space Im allowed.

Can anyone please shed some light on the saving to bluray / or altering setting to save more to 1 disc?

Thoughts as always more than welcome.


New Member
Hi thanks for replying..

Verbatium, 25GB

I looked around and found them getting decent enough reviews...is this the reason i can't record much...

My LG burner is the one ( its software ) saying 500mb...so everytime I paste a file ( HD quality ) it shows a 'bar' along the bottom..500mb max.


Staff member
I'm not sure whats going on. Perplexing issue though. When you put a blank bluray in the drive does it show how much space is available?


I just installed an LG BluRay burner and I tried burning some files to disk. The program tried to tell me the same thing - basically that I only had the same amount of space as my DVD burner. I had to go digging thru the menus until I found where I could checkmark a box that tells the program I was using a BluRay disk instead of a DVD. I was thinking the program would autoconfig that as soon as I put the disk in, but it didn't. Your issue may be similar.

Good Luck!