
It all sounds good to me! i think you may want to get a video card instead of a motherboard for a video card, however. Your link and caption are to the 680i.
hmm looks a good build but that ram is very expensive....why not choose some other memory and downgrade to a e6600 or a 6400:confused:
Well spotted:p at first the only thing I had picked out was the graphics card and built around that.

Valid points but I have a big enough budget to go for the slightly better processor yeah that ram is pretty dear alright but heck I can afford it.:D

hehe ok:D

That memory does look cool though.
It is a little lite on the +12V rail, although just sufficient for the system with a single 8800GTX. It's out of stock as well. Grab yourself a Corsair HX520W at the same price - a much better PSU.

Are you planning on one 8800GTX or two? If it's two, both that Hiper and the Corsair I mentioned are insufficient to power the system, and you'd be better off with a Seasonic M12 700W.
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looks real good..i hioe you will give us the pleasure of seeing your 3dmark scores after you put everything together?
id go with with xfx..but it doesnt really matter. first make sure they all have the same specs and that they arent over or under priced...
