7600 or 8600


New Member
So Im going to build a new pc (finally) and am still not sure which GPU to get.
I was originally gonna get the 7600GT considering the card is pretty good and its around $90, but then I saw some of the prices of the 8600GT, there was about a $25-$30 difference. So now, am not sure.. is it worth it, will there be a difference performance wise?

Im not much for having the graphics to the max, as long as the game looks decent with no lag, and I just mostly play BF2 with occasional shooters like COD4, HL2, FEAR, etc...


VIP Member
There's not much a difference at all. I'd get the cheaper.

7600gt can play all those high-maxed, CoD4 High only if you mind low fps ever once in awhile.