780i or 790i?


New Member
Ok so im going to have a tad more money to work with so i was wondering if i should stick with the cheaper eVGA 780i FTW or spring for the more expensive (but more future upgrade paths) eVGA 790i FTW:cool: and go with that.
If you're set on an nVidia board, I'd go with the 780i. DDR3 isn't going to give you much over DDR2.
well i realize that, but It will be prob the end of the month before i really start buying things, and im trying to leave myself the easiest path to upgrade down the road. And seeing how DDR3 is going to be the dominant tech in the years to come... that would be best right?

BTW i thought i read somewhere that the 790i will be compatible with the nehalem... don't think its true but .... on that note, is there a mainboard that is IS compatible with the nehalem

one more edit..... I just checked out the price of DDR3.. kind of crazy to pay more than a video card for ram don't you think?.... so now im just entertaining the idea.... crazy.
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well i realize that, but It will be prob the end of the month before i really start buying things, and im trying to leave myself the easiest path to upgrade down the road. And seeing how DDR3 is going to be the dominant tech in the years to come... that would be best right?

DDR3 is pointless right now, really. You aren't going to see significant increases in performance with DDR3 over DDR2.
Well unless you go for the 2000 versions, DDR3 ain't something that you can brag about except for being rich.
well i realize that, but It will be prob the end of the month before i really start buying things, and im trying to leave myself the easiest path to upgrade down the road. And seeing how DDR3 is going to be the dominant tech in the years to come... that would be best right?

BTW i thought i read somewhere that the 790i will be compatible with the nehalem... don't think its true but .... on that note, is there a mainboard that is IS compatible with the nehalem
Nehalem is NOT compatible with current motherboards. It utilizes a different socket, has a different physical pin count, and uses the X58 chipset.

The only advantage to going DDR3 now is that you may be able to use the DDR3 when you build a Nehalem rig, however by then DDR3 should be pretty cheap, so it shouldn't be a a big deal. You can either pay a lot now, or you can pay a little now and a little later, hopefully with better speeds or latency.
get ddr2 and spend the money elsewhere. ddr3 isn't a big advantage even though the speeds are faster, but the latencies are also higher. you'll see increase in performance one ddr3 latencies go down to ddr2 levels while keeping its speed. some of the 1600-2000mhz with cas 7 might be worth it though
I had the same question when I recently had a system built. I went with the 780i because I saw little benefit in the more expensive board; the DDR3 ram didn't seem to make much difference and could use the savings to pay for the second 9800GT video card.

Only got it this week, but so far so good