80 Conductor Cable


New Member
So I'm sure most have you have heard about this issue before but here's what happened....

I was catching up on LOST on ABC.com and my computer shuts off without warning. On the BIOS screen it said that I didn't have 80 conductor cable installed on my primary or secondary something or other. My research has led me to believe that I should buy a 40 pin 80 conductor cable. My computer is about 6 years old so I probably have the outdated 40 conductor cable installed. I don't know if there is any way I could screw up and get the wrong cable but just in case, *smile* does somebody want to send me a link to one that they recommend. Thanks for your help...

Be careful of cables longer then 18". The IDE specs call for 18" as the max length of the cable do to cross talk and noise. This doesn't mean longer cables won't work but they could be problematic.
I second the opinion of lawson_jl. I wouldn't get an Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) cable any longer than 18 inches. In addition to possible data corruption the extra length cable will just clutter up the inside of your computer case.