8800 GTX Problem!


New Member
Please watch this video that I recorded, It will be the best explanation of the problem. I have 2 cards in SLI
I have a 1000w PSU so power output is not a problem
This is problem has happened a few times in the past 2-3 week and it usually goes away, but not this time.
Cooling is fine.

When I searched for fixes online, many people whit 8800 cards have the same exact problems... People were mentioning that nVidia tried some new soldering thing on them and it had micro-tears the ****ed everything up and they were saying to bake it at 365 degrees for 9 minutes to make the solders come in contact again, I dont really want to do that because it will either fix me card or end it forever.

They are XFX brand so if I call them on monday will they give me free replacements since it is their (mostly nvidias) fault?

Anyone else have/had this problem? any fixes, ideas, or ways to get them replaced? Buying new cards or anyhing involving buying is not an option for me.

P.S I have already reinstalled the newest drivers, and i restarted my comp after I took the video and windows reported that only one card was not working (like normal)
have you tried each card independently, as in remove the bottom card and try it, then use the bootom card only and try it, or switching their places or anything like that, also make sure they are seated properly, and these are fairly older cards, have you dusted out the computer lately with some compressed air.
take them out and try them one at a time.
It looks to me like you have a fried card, and because of the SLI, you are getting both messed up.

Also, check that your SLI bridge is still attached.
I air dusted them a few days ago, I'll try using one at a time tomorrow, when I use the bottom card, will I need to move it up to the pci 1 slot?
Lines like that during boot is a hardware problem. Try each card one at a time to find the faulty one.

Also: http://xfxforce.com/en-us/home.aspx?lang=en-us Create a support ticket at XFX. If you registered the cards for warranty you should have lifetime warranty, they should upgrade you to something of equal value compared to the 8800 when it was released.

If the warranty is bust... this is your best shot:

1) Find which card is faulty, dis-assemble the cooler on it, unscrew the plate near the dvi ports and remove it.
2) Take off all heatsinks/metal parts where applicable and clean off the paste (make sure to save the thermal pads though)
3) Pre heat your oven to 200c/395f
4) Line a baking tray with foil. Roll up four little foil balls, place them under each corner of the card
5) Once the oven has pre-heated, bake the card for 10 minutes
6) Carefully remove the card from the oven, place the tray with the card somewhere and allow it to cool
7) Once the card has completely cooled, re-assemble it, making sure that thermal paste, pads and heatsinks are in place
8) Re-install the card and boot up. If the lines are gone, you have just fixed your graphics card.

Only do this if the card has no warranty. I have done it many times myself and it has always worked.
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Okay the results are in...
The bottom card, (the one that wasn't being primarily used) is fine, the one that was primarily is faulty. I'm on the machine right now with the working card in the PCI 1 slot and the non-working on the bottom with the SLI bridge attached. Still, its as if the card wasn't even in my machine. So, I will contact the people I bought it from to see if their son registered a warranty for the cards, if so, Ill get them replaced. If not, then I will bake the non working card using linkin's instructions. IF that DIDOES work, then I will get my money back for the computer, or possibly return the cards and keep the computer for a way lower price and stick my GTS 250 in it...

Can I go to XFX's website and try to register them for a warrenty right now? I have the S/Ns.

Okay I talked to the people I bought it from and they will see if the son has a warrenty... If not, they'll give me just the PC for 75$ and take the broken cards. Il just stick my gts 250 in it and call it good.
And if the son does have a warrenty, and linkin is right about them send me new equal value cards, then my future will be 2 GTX 580s in SLI! Woot Woot!!!
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well it depends if they go by the launch value or the current market value of the cards, you'd think it would be the second but i've never had to deal with the stuff so idk, would say luckily never had to, but nothing i have is worth going threw the trouble to do that stuff :(