a build server?

have started working at a software company and we just began using a 'build server' and i'm trying to learn more about build servers in general but every time i search for 'build server' or 'how to make a build server', results such as 'building your own server' come up.

can anyone point me in the right direction please?

and i'm curious, at the moment, we have one large hard disk which is a normal 7200 rpm 64 mb cache drive and it stores the previous 3 weeks of builds on it.

i was thinking of adding a fast SSD which would keep the last weeks builds while anything older could be kept on a slower normal HDD since these are not accessed as often.

the main reason i'm looking into this is that the coders are complaining saying the build server is too slow and for the moment, we cannot hire a pro (but maybe in a few months).

anyway, any help or bread crumbs are appreciated, thanks!


VIP Member
Do you often go through hard drives? You must have a lot of people accessing the "build" computer to have considerable slowness. Is anyone using it as their everyday workstation? Thats a big no-no. I would look first at the amount of cooling in the room with the server. If you aren't shivering after 20 minutes in there, then its not cool enough. And make sure there is adequate airflow THROUGH the server case/rack.

Before you pursue a change to the 'build', answer a few questions for yourself. Like, does your company have the money, knowledge, willingness to::

1. Buy a new SSD? OR buy more if it goes out OR buy more to scale the server to increased demand? They aren't exactly cheap.
2. Does everyone there know how to install/setup/use/maintain/trouble-shoot/replace an ssd?
3. Is there anyone on the build team/management who are "older-minded" and fight change? You may be facing an uphill battle from people who dont like change (This can be people of any age, note that I call it "older-minded". I mean people that are stuck in their ways and incapable/unwilling to see or accept change.)
4. Does everyone really think there is a slowness problem or is it more that people are just trying to find something to complain about?

Can I give you a piece of advice? Dont start a job by going nuts saying that they need tons of improvements everywhere, you're gonna get management/sr build team members annoyed. Stay there for awhile and see how things run and get a feel for the place. Talk to people and make some friends. There may turn out to be bigger problems than a slow 'build' that need attention. Save your ammo for the battles in which you have allies and for what you need to fight.