a button on my keyboard has stopped working

By default they should work without drivers...or most hardware volume buttons will. But yeah, as SirKenin said, try to find some drivers for it.

There's also a program called KeyTweak(if I remember correctly) where you can reassign buttons. I think it will also test buttons. Basically it show what buttons are being pressed though an onscreen keyboard... Again, if I remember right :p
Yeah, you would think so... But I suppose drivers are a place to start. Or, just uninstall and reinstall the ones that are already there.

Hard to say. Maybe the keyboard is just broken.
I just know my keyboard on my desktop has a few shortcut keys(including volume). None work except the mute/volume controls :p But, as I said, no drivers have been loaded.
I don't ever remember putting drivers in for my Logitech. If I remember correctly I tried but they wouldn't work or something stupid like that. All I know is that all the buttons worked, even the volume dial.

I don't know. This almost calls for a Google job. Or a cigarette.

Nah, I think I'll stick with the cigarette. :p
We just sort of took over this thread :eek: But hey, it's in my section. I guess I could remove all our posts then move to they peripheral sections :p

Anyway, I tried a Dell keyboard on my desktop a few weeks back. I had no drivers for the keyboard or anything. However, the volume knob would work, play/stop/skip buttons would work, My Computer, Calculator, My Documents...all those buttons worked fine without drives. I guess it's similar to those Windows buttons...damn I hate those! But yeah, some sort of standard I suppose.
I am also running A Dell Inspiron and for several weeks the Logitech Wireless USB 2.0 TrackBall Mouse and Keyboard worked well :).. The Wireless connect point was connected to the Dell via a USB Hub.
Then without warning, the cursor started moving on its own or not releasing an icon if changing between icons :eek:.. When shutting down I would get a message stating SOMETHING could not close because it was still in use, although nothing I knew of was active. I did everything that has been suggested with no luck :mad:.. Dell suggested I RUN MSCONFIG STARTUP and disable everything and reboot. This brought back my touchpad use. I then enabled things that I needed or knew were not a conflict. While this was informative it did not pinpoint the problem. :p When I reinstalled the USB Hub with the wireless access point attached the problem reappeared.
Isolating the mouse problem, I went back to the Wired Keyboard via USB hub and the Wiresless mouse and so far so good. The Wired Keyboard and Wireless access point are now in seperate ports on the USB hub.
:rolleyes: It seemed to be a conflict between the twowireless devices and the touchpad.