A decent .mpg editor???


Is there a decent .mpg editor out there?
I have download several and they don’t work they say I need to convert it first hummm.....I just chase my tail.
I don’t know what format or compression it is in, its just a .mpg I recorded from my fusion hybrid tv card.

Can anyone help?
What kind of software? Are you looking for the best? Or the cheapest freeware? What are looking to do with the file? Just crop it or add effects like transitions, audio dubbing, Picture-in-Picture etc...?
I have recorded stuff from my TV card and I wanted to cut out the adds and chop of the ends that I over recorded, I want just the most basic program I can get (free would be nice) I don’t want to do effects or edit the audio just cutting frames out.
Ok, fair enough. I was looking around for a freeware program that gave you enough functionality, and I couldn't find one. Windows Movie Maker 2.1 may be suitable, although I think it's limited in terms of what types of files you can save the output as.

If you're wanting to save the files in a variety of formats, I would suggest something more like Cyberlink Power Director 5. I use it myself, it's good, once you get round all the features that you obviously won't be using.

Hope this helps.
How do I find out what codec and format a video file is? it doesn’t say in the properties.
I have the legitimate version of video studio 8 se that came with my TV card but when I open the files it crashes and the windows error report comes up and closes the program. I contacted dvico and they find it hard to help me (I don’t blame them) it could be anything wrong with it.
I’ll see if I can get this program to work, I’ll format if I have to.

Thanks so much for the info
AVICodec is a really good freeware program that tells you not only the format of a video, fps, resolution etc, but also if your pc supports playback of the file.

As far as the crashing is concerned, I don't think a format would be nessecarily the best option, since it's just one program that's having problems.

I would contact dvico again. When I had errors galore with my tv card, I contacted Adaptec and since their software wasn't working, they sent me a replacement CD free of charge that had the next version up on it, and that worked no problem. The versions of VideoStudio are now up to 10, so it's possible it's just your release that's got the bug.