A good picture editing program?


New Member
I am looking for a good but FREE picture editing program, I want something to make custom signatures and desktop backrounds etc. So as long as it can crop and add text. I have no experience with image editing so I don't know whats good and what isnt?

All advice is appreciated!
I'll second that. I was lucky however to get a copy of Paint Shop Pro version 5 for just $5 from a shop that sells used/refurbed PCs and traded in software.
Just got The GIMP running, I'm liking it however I'm new to image editing and not the most creative so its a slow start but I should have a better avatar ina week or so just need to get some ideas floating around. Thanks for the replies!
I like "The GIMP" if I cant get my hands on PhotoShop. The GIMP is good for it's file size, price and power but it isnt as easy to use as PhotoShop IMO.
Smoko is on the money. The gimp is very powerful and it's free. Photoshop is much easier, and it has many, many plugins. However, photoshop is very expensive. So it comes down to this. Learn how to use gimp properly or go out and buy photoshop, and spend less time learning.

If someone told me they'd give me Photoshop or Gimp for free, I'd choose photoshop ;) .