A Level student, stuck PLEASE HELP


New Member
Heya, im Emma and in currently doing an it course working towards an A Level. However i have become a bit stuck!
I have been asked to research the topic multimedia, i have become confused as i am asked to say how multimedia information is stored on a computer. Im hoping some of you clever peeps may be able to help me, im going crazy.... :confused:

please email me or reply to this post, my addy is [email protected]
thanks all
If you have specific questions about MM i can probably answer them all but ... i need the questions before I can spit out the answers :)
storeds them in many different formats, on many different types of storage, binary is the key word here. Give us some questions to answer.
just so you know thoguh, binary is the language/code that ALL data is in when the computer reads it. Not just multimedia.

You could report on some file types that are for multimedia, like video file types (mpeg, avi etc....) and pictures and sound, define each file tpye and give examples of the uses etc....