A little help


New Member
Hello, I'm 15 years old and I'm looking into getting a major in computer science after I finish school. I'm doing ok in math and I am good a science. Is there any thing else I can do to get my self ready for this? I know I should start learning C and C++ but I can't find any links. Can some one please help me?


New Member
yeah, i've only been screwing around with computers since last June (a year), and now i really knowledgeable about em, thanks 2 these forums.


ChrisDVD said:
spend many hours in this forum :D
You can learn lots....like basics, for computer technology.

Well said. Read the 101s at the top of some forums, look through posts and answer them. If you get it wrong someone will correct you...and there you go. You've learned something.


VIP Member
Learn C++ and Java... At least that's what the compute science program teaches at the university I'm at. Personally, I prever getting into the computers(hardware and all) and really wanted to persue that, but honestly, that's phasing out pretty quickly with computers getting so cheap.