A New MMO ahead?


New Member
Hi there!

I've a little problem, good folks...

I constantly hear rumors (from those, who I am often with at least...) that somw kinda new project is under development/done. In this "game" or whatever you may call it, you may move around with your avatar as in reality, chat using your voice, while connected...Sound pretty interessting to me.

The problem is that I can't find this project anywhere! And I have nothing more than rumors about it, and that russians are making it and that it's called "deep"-something.

Perhaps you've more info about this???

If you do, PLEASE, let me know!


VIP Member
Im not sure what you mean by "move around with your avatar". They already have games where you can chat via voice and such, but I don't think thats what you're looking for.


New Member
Ah, I know, I'm not so good at explaining things...
Well, of what I've understood - it's not a realy a game, but a copy of our real world...some are just things simplified like in a game...