A question regarding Norton and AOL


A friend of mine asked me this question. Can somebody please help?

My ISP is the dreaded AOL not through choice I might add! Things limp along O.K. normally.

When my Norton Internet 2006 subscription was due to expire I duly went out and bought the 2007 version......Big mistake. After the initial instillation and live update, AOL failed to recognise that I have a virus checker or firewall! Then up come adverts and videos mostly on their home pages and ancillary bits and pieces.

Turning off add pop ups on their site makes no difference at all......Calls to Norton and AOL are a total waste of time, with each blaming the other......" Not our fault gov". but in an Indian accent.


Malware Destroyer
Unfortunately, until AOL updates their listing with the newest versions of AV software, they won't recognize NIS. The fault lays squarely on AOL, for not thinking ahead, nor responding very quickly to new versions.. On the other hand, which AOL program is giving you a hard time? if it's their own version of the security center, I'd think about disabling it or uninstalling it, Norton can handle that on it's own..