A Shameless Plug


New Member
A little while ago I was trying to learn how to write an ASCII dungeon game (as so many who are learning C++ do.) Well, after plenty of googling, I found nothing that helped me. So, now that I've got a game up and running, I've put up my own tutorial on how to make one. I will be adding to it as often as I get time. Seeing as the success of the website and subsequently all meaning in my life is contingent on people visiting it, I am shamelessly advertising it amongst people who will hopefully care. You can find it here. Any constructive criticism would be welcome.
A little while ago I was trying to learn how to write an ASCII dungeon game (as so many who are learning C++ do.) Well, after plenty of googling, I found nothing that helped me. So, now that I've got a game up and running, I've put up my own tutorial on how to make one. I will be adding to it as often as I get time. Seeing as the success of the website and subsequently all meaning in my life is contingent on people visiting it, I am shamelessly advertising it amongst people who will hopefully care. You can find it here. Any constructive criticism would be welcome.

uhhh...the reading isnt very easy. try grouping the text differently ;)
Is that all the code for the game?

Im not a C++ Learner, I am A Visual Basics Enthusiast.

Done much Visual Basics in your time?

That appears too be too simple for a game. . .
No I don't really touch BASIC. It doesn't have enough low-level functionality. This is for a very very simple game, yes. It's not done yet, I've only done two classes in that tutorial, there are five more to go, some of which are quite big.
No I don't really touch BASIC. It doesn't have enough low-level functionality. This is for a very very simple game, yes. It's not done yet, I've only done two classes in that tutorial, there are five more to go, some of which are quite big.

which low level functions did were you refering to. The main advantage of C is it object-orientated approach