A/V files containing viruses / spyware?

Is it possible to get a virus or spyware by downloading a audio or video file off of a p2p network? I was told that audio and video files do not have the ability to carry a virus.

Also, is it possible to get a virus or spyware by visiting web sites, but not downloading anything?:confused:


Yes and Yes! You can get a virus that rides piggy back on a p2p file and you can get a virus just websurfing, they are called drive by viruses you dont have to do a thing but open up the site!
cell4me said:
Yes and Yes! You can get a virus that rides piggy back on a p2p file and you can get a virus just websurfing, they are called drive by viruses you dont have to do a thing but open up the site!
Well that’s gay. But can the actual A/V file itself contain the virus? What about spyware / adware, can you get those on p2p networks with A/V files?