A visitor in my computer?


New Member
This showed up about two days ago but I haven't got an answer on it yet.

Sorry my computer is in swedish, but I think you understand what it is.

Nätverksplatser = Network ( I suppose that's other networks I'm connected with? But I haven't choosed to connect to any )

This "Agatha-dator" ( translated = Agatha-computer ) is empty, but it just look suspicious, It have an icon that says media player on it.

in TG787 it's just some empty folders in english, and as I said, my computer is in swedish, so the "default" folders are in swedish.

Can I safely remove them? I can right click and choose "remove unit", or however to correctly translate it.


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
Those are just other computers/media devices Windows found on your network. If you don't want to deal with any of it, you can go in the network settings and disable network discovery (Control Panel > Network & Sharing Center > Advanced Sharing Settings)