"Access Denied" in Vista? Help, please!


New Member
Okay, so I finally broke down and bought Vista, only to wind up getting an "Access is Denied" error whenever I try to access certain folders. I'm fairly sure using admin rights is a way around this, how do I give myself admin rights? Also, is there a way to view hidden folders like you could in XP?

Thanks in advance!
Okay, so I finally broke down and bought Vista, only to wind up getting an "Access is Denied" error whenever I try to access certain folders. I'm fairly sure using admin rights is a way around this, how do I give myself admin rights? Also, is there a way to view hidden folders like you could in XP?

Thanks in advance!

The first step with Vista is to disable the new User Account Control feature now found in the new version of Windows. That acts like a super firewall. For general use anything in the DocumentsandSettings folder is now off limits even if you are the primary user. The "users" folder is now the substitute with the docs+settings apparently some type of Windows backup feature.

You'll notice if you replaced XP with Vista the old Windows, DocumentsandSettings, and Program Files directories are found bunched together in a Windows.old folder. Perhaps a Linux live for cd distro would allow you to look inside the new version of the Docs+Settings since no MS OS is running then.
So suppose I absolutely need to tinker around in the "Users" folder, specifically "Local Settings"? Like, for example, adding a few files? Is there any workaround, or has Microsoft locked us out of our own PCs?
That's a good one! :p Their publicty states customer satisfaction. :rolleyes: That's why many are staying XP? When first installing Vista here I was caught offguard with the users folder too. The added security in the new Windows still has to be worked out for something like a workaround.

At this point I've been focused more on what will or won't run too see when and if Vista will become primary over XP. Vienna is supposed to be a 2009 version coming out with things left out? of Vista. You can imagine what that will see.