Admin and standard accounts virus


New Member
Hi guys, newb here. In an attempt to protect my computer I added a standard account for my daily rountines in case of any future virus attacks. I'm of the knowlege that by doing this I am protecting system files and integrity? My real questions are do I need to scan both accounts? and if or when I do pick up a virus, say on the standard account, what kind of affects if any does the virus have on the admin account? Thank you for your time.
Usually, if your infected, it can infect all users whether limited or administrator. Your virus program and malware program should scan every account to search for infections. But by using the limited account you are minimizing the risk of becoming infected, but doesn't mean that you won't become infected.


It can definitely help you to be safer if on a limited account. And if you havent already done it, enable a password protection in USER ACCOUNTS for the log-in's to the accounts. The password access is a small security measure, but every little bit helps! I usually make the password something easy to type and I change it every few months (as I do with all my passwords).