All xpert please help>>


New Member
hi Have a nice day to all of you
i am a filipino and i need your Help in buying new or offline gaming also all the best..

Does its parts good?i cannot change it only processor i can change...
-ECS G31T MotherBoard
-2GB DDR2 Memory
-500GB 7200RPM Hard Disk Drive
-1GB Palit GEFORCE 9400Gt PCI-E Video card
-ATX Tower Case With Power Supply

Here;s the list of processor choose the best one for offline or online gaming

1.>AMD ATHLON x2 5200 2.7GHZ (ECS 6100)
2.>AMD Athlon x2 (240) 2.8GHZ (ECS A740)
3.>Intel Dual COre (E5200) 2.5GHZ
(>Intel COre 2 duo (E7400) 2.8ghz ) i have no budget for it..Only for 1-3

Please be honest and be expert dont judge if you dont know ..tnx..Keep Safe
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That isn't particularly fast for gaming, and the parts are mostly older technology, but if you grab a better video card you can get away with it. That one will play most games, but you'll have to use fairly low settings on many of them.

The E5200 is the best processor of 1-3, though the E7400 is better than all of them.

Are you getting this from the internet? If so, where?

edit: And if not, would you consider it?
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Maybe first of all tell us how much money you want to spend on your PC.. then we can talk.

* E5200 is Pentium Dual-Core and yes it is probably best of those 3 processors you gave.
* The motherboard you suggested (ECS G31T) is not really good... for $50 there are barely good mobos.
* Buying ATX Tower Case With Power Supply isn't worth it. Either PSU or the case it self will be crap. I advice you to buy case and power supply seperately for a decent choice to your computer.
* Instead of GeForce 9400GT I'd pay an extra $15-25 and get ATi Radeon HD4650 1GB for about $64.99 from -
does this good?

ECS G31T MotherBoard
2GB DDR2 Memory
500GB 7200RPM Hard Disk Drive
1GB Palit GEFORCE 9400Gt PCI-E Video card
ATX Tower Case With Power Supply

if this is old and not good please help me to change it? what is the best? and not expensive im in the philippines..
from what it looks like that mother board is an Intel so you're going to have to get an Intel CPU or change the motherboard to get an AMD one and It's better to buy a separate power supply than the one that comes with that case
Get a good power supply because it's probably the most important part that needs to be working properly.
It is older stuff, but if you're on a really tight budget it will be ok.

Where are you getting it from? If we're going to help you find out if there's something better, that'd be a good thing to know. Translating a page isn't hard to do.
ECS G31T MotherBoard- (does its good? or change it what did i use?)help

2GB DDR2 Memory - (does its good? or change it what did i use?)help

500GB 7200RPM Hard Disk Drive - (does its good? or change it what did i use?)help

DVD+RW DRIVE - (does its good? or change it what did i use?)help

1GB Palit GEFORCE 9400Gt PCI-E Video card - (does its good? or change it what did i use?)help

ATX Tower Case With Power Supply - (does its good? or change it what did i use?)help

plz help do your list tnx
Harddrive is good Video card is crap x 10 if that PSU came with the case it's crap 2 GB DDR2 is ok but not the best DVD+RW DRIVE is very general lol xD
Are you buying this in a store, or buying it online?

Are you buying a computer that's already built, or putting one together on your own?
I don't know how PC market in your country. However, if you want a low end PC, I would recommend -

CPU - AMD Athlon II x2 CPU, mainly due to the upgradeability in future
Mobo - Asrock if you want to find some good low end mobo. AM3 Mobo, get 780G/ 785G chipset.
RAM - 2 x 1GB DDR3 RAM
Video card - 9400GT is a low end card. If you don't play game, use onboard. If you pay game, get a better one.
HDD - I usually use seagate
Case - Make sure it as least have two case fan
PSU - Get a branded quality one if you could