AMD APU or separate CPU/GPU?


New Member
Hello, I just registered because I'm building a new PC and not sure what route to go.

I currently have a dual core AMD opteron 165 with 2 gig of ram and an ATI 5750 video card that I upgraded from a older card about a year ago.

Now my PC is starting to up act up hardware wise, It's very old, over 7 years old if I remember correctly. It randomly shuts down on me, and just doesn't respond quickly any more even after a fresh format and reinstall of windows.

My original plan was to upgrade my motherboard, CPU, and RAM, along with getting a new PSU, while leaving the graphics card I put in about a year ago. I'm not a big gamer, but I did play diablo II many years ago, and I'm excited about diablo III, I'd like to be able to play it on full graphics settings.

I was originally thinking of going with 4 or 8 gigs of ram, with an AMD phenom II 965 black CPU, with new motherboard and PSU.

Now however, I see these APU units from AMD, with a slightly less powerful CPU, but a claimed 65XX GPU integrated, which sounds much better than my current ATI 5750. When I look at the price, $127 for a 965 phenom II black CPU, or $147 for an A8 3850 APU with a new graphics processor that seems better than mine, well, I'm confused now as to what I should do.

When I looked at some reviews of the A8 APU, I see that there is mention that it's based on the 5000HD series of radeon cards, yet it's claimed to be a 65XX. Is this 65XX just a designation for the APU units, and it's graphical performance is actually equal to a 5000 series card?

Here's a quote from one of the reviews I read:

"The Radeon HD 6550D is similar to the Radeon HD 5670 in the sense that it features five SIMD engines, 400 SPUs (Stream Processing Units), 20 TAUs (Texture Address Units) and 8 ROPs (Raster Operation Units). However while the core configuration is the same, the actual performance of the Radeon HD 6550D will be much lower because of two key changes.

The most obvious difference is the chip's clock frequency, which has been reduced 23% from 775MHz on the HD 5670 to just 600MHz for the HD 6550D. Even more troubling is the memory bandwidth limitation. Whereas the HD 5670 generally has a dedicated 1GB of GDDR5 allowing for a throughput of 64GB/s, the HD 6550D must share system resources."

So am I better off right now with my 5750, and i should just upgrade my mobo, RAM, and get a phenom II 965, maybe get a new GPU down the road a few months, or is the APU a better choice? At first the promise of 65XX series graphics sounds better than my 5750, but now looking into it more, maybe it' just marketing hype. making me think 6000 is better than 5000 when that may not actually be true. Also, what if I went with the APU and used my 5750 as well? Apparently this can be done, though I'm not sure if my 5750 is compatible with running in conjunction with the APU.

Thanks for any help on the issue.
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for pure performance, you probably would want an am3+ system with as much ram as you can afford, as well as a dedicated gpu, the apu on the die is good, but not nearly as good as a dedicated card
a 5750 is actually gonna be better than a 65xx. The number in front is just the generation. You gotta look at the second number. A 5770 would be better than a 6670, for example.
Thanks for the help guys.

Tricky naming scheme they have going on there. Seems like they're trying to make people think they're getting 65XX performance, when it's really much less.

I suppose I'll be going with an AMD 965 black, a new motherboard, and some new RAM, but I'm not sure exactly how much to shoot for.

Many years ago when I was more up to date with computer hardware, getting larger capacity sticks meant that they were slower, and though you could go with 4 gigs at the time, I went with 2 gigs of faster RAM, which performed better in most of the tests I looked at. I'll have to look into whether or not this is the same case now and decide how much I want to go with. I'm also trying to keep it pretty cheap if you can't tell, enough to run Diablo III on the nice settings is all I really need.
just post up what you want to spend and what you want exactly and we can say the exact parts to get.
I don't have an exact budget, but I was planning to keep it around $300-350 for the motherboard, CPU, RAM, and PSU.

I think I've decided on the AMD 965 Phenom BE, unless told otherwise. It's a weekly special on the site I'm using,, they're fairly local and I'll have my computer delivered in a day.

Just trying to decide on which motherboard to get right now. Will Sata3.0 benefit me if I have only older Sata devices or will they speed up with Sata3.0?

I also assume that USB 3.0 won't be useful unless I have USB 3.0 devices, which I don't.

I think I can get away with a pretty cheap motherboard not needing those two things, but is there really a difference with the 7XX chipset vs the 8XX?

Right now I'm thinking maybe this board: LX&manufacture=ASUS&promoid=1377

But it only has support for DDR3 1866. Should I be looking for DDR3 2000 support and go with 2000 speed RAM? Or would this not matter with the lower end CPU I'll be using?

I haven't even got to the RAM choices yet, a suggested build would definitely help out a lot!
well if you get a new mobo you need a new copy of windows, and also look for the 9XX chipsets since they support some cpus not out yet, so your upgrade path will be better.
Ok, so far this is my setup:

AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition Quad Core Processor AM3 3.4GHZ 8MB Cache 125W 45NM Retail Box - $127.99

ASUS M5A78L-M LX mATX AM3+ DDR3 AMD 760G 1PCI-E16 2PCI-E1 1PCI SATA2 VGA GBLAN Motherboard - $54.99

G.SKILL Ripjaws X F3-12800CL9D-8GBXL 8GB 2X4GB DDR3-1600 CL9-9-9-24 Memory - $53.95

Coolermaster Extreme Power Plus 500W ATX 12V V2.3 Silent Power Supply 20/24PIN 120MM Fan - $39.99

Total: $286.91

The ASUS board says this: "* 32nm AM3+ CPU is supported by BIOS version 0401 and later"

So I think it's compatible with the new CPUs coming out even though it's just a "AMD 760G (780L)/SB710" chipset.

Any good reasons why I should maybe spend more or change something up? I want to get this on order tonight so They'll ship on Monday and hopefully I'll have it by Tuesday, maybe Wednesday.

Thanks again for all the help.
get a different psu, look at antec/corsair/xfx, those are normally the cheapest quality brands. and what county are you in?
I'm in Canada.

The PSU is regular $60 on for $40 with good reviews, looks like it's been a high selling product too before it was even on sale.

Here's another one on sale that seems decent: ENP550AWT&manufacture=ENERMAX&promoid=1377

And another possibly the best reviews on the site around that price: Technology

And a very cheap XFX PSU with good reviews as well:
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Ok, I think I've finally got it figured.

AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition Quad Core Processor AM3 3.4GHZ 8MB Cache 125W 45NM Retail Box - $127.99

G.SKILL Ripjaws X F3-12800CL9D-8GBXL 8GB 2X4GB DDR3-1600 CL9-9-9-24 Memory - $53.95

MSI 870S-G54 ATX AM3 870 DDR3 2PCI-E16 CrossFire 1PCI-E1 3PCI SATA3 GBLAN Motherboard - $74.99 ($20 mail in rebate)

Antec Earthwatts Green 650W Power Supply ATX12V V2.2 EPS12V Active PFC 80PLUS 120MM Fan - $59.99 (regular $87)

I think that's a much better quality power supply, and doesn't cost too much more.

I also had to change my motherboard choice, as the ASUS one I had selected is only good for 95W processors, and the X4 965 is 125W.

The board I chose this time is actually less after the mail in rebate, and it has SATA 3.0 and USB 3.0 should I want them, it's also an 8 series chipset.

I think I'm finally ready to order, any more suggestions? Do I really need 8gig or ram or should I go with 4?
Trying to keep it cheap for now, every other budget board that I find either only supports memory speed up to 1333, or a CPU up to 95W.

I'll be upgrading my 5750 GPU sometime down the road before I ever upgrade the CPU.

I think if I end up doing the upgrade to a new CPU, it'll be quite a while down the road, and there will probably be something newer than the new ones coming out soon that may require a whole other socket, at which time I won't worry too much about replacing my $55 motherboard.

I think I'm gonna place my order! Thanks for all the help on the issue everyone, much appreciated.
Everything was shipped this morning! Hopefully I'll have it tomorrow. Too bad Diablo III got pushed back to 2012, but oh well. It'll be nice to have a smooth running machine again.