Antares Autotune


New Member
So ive been trying to get this thing to work for hours now and i still have no idea whats wrong. Ive used countless audio recording software but the one i have gotten the closest to getting to work is mixcraft 4. so i arm a track with my mic and whatnot, choose autotune from the dropdown in effects, its checked and all t-pain setting set, when i hit record I just get my voice without autotune, can anyone help me out? Appreciate it
Not that its going to help you with your illegally begotten piece of software, but more for people who would come to this post seeking help with a legitimate version of Antares Ill shed a wee bit of light that will likely be beyond your limited scope of understanding:

Autotune is a POST effect and used in the mastering process its not used live and only works with programs that accept DST effects or DST-wrapped effects. Not that it matters because obviously you have little to no experience with recording software or even fully understand what Autotune is supposed to be used for or you would know how to use it and how to setup your inputs and outputs (wont explain that one as it would be assisting you with the crappy virus riddled monstrosity that you downloaded) you would also know that you need a way to export it to a mastering solution as well.

Please do some research next time you try to download a piece of software that you have absolutely no understanding of and please read the forum rules next time you plan to post a question seeking information on above said software. Have a wonderful evening.
I was not aware that there was a trial for autotunes...

Regardless, its not as simple as just plug and play, you need a mastering solution to output to and its not used in real time, its used as a mastering effect once you have an instrument or song to match the pitch to.

And please do the world a favor by not using it like T-Pain...
Also you need to set it as an output and not as an input, meaning you need a seperate track that is your autotune track and a track for your mic. Then output the mic to the input of the autotune track then output the autotune track to your transport or MS. If your recording software can not handle multiple inputs or does not support DST mastering effects then your shot. I use AA with Cool Edit 2.1 and ProTools all the time which both support the above.
Please do some research next time you try to download a piece of software that you have absolutely no understanding of and please read the forum rules next time you plan to post a question seeking information on above said software. Have a wonderful evening.

Next time, it would be best to give an individual the benefit of the doubt and if you suspect someone of violating the rules, you should report their posts and/or PM a mod. It avoids arguments in the threads and it's the job of the mod team to enforce the rules. Not that your help isn't appreciated -- it is -- but things tend to run more smoothly that way. :)
i know i retracted, however you have to admit that 9 times out of 10 when someone admits to downloading they rarely mean a trial version of a program... I will clarify for now on. :)