Anything fun to do with printers?


New Member
I'm pretty sure I have a dead printer. It works, just something's kooky in it.
Anyway, is there anything fun/cool I can with it now that it's pretty much dead? Any cool mods?
spray it with camoflauge colours, put a headband around its paper tray, and take it paintballing. Just go easy on it.
buy some r/c parts: wheels, motor, electronics and make it into a cool one of a kind r/c car:p
you can throw it in the road when a cars is going past your road and then start screming o my god tom the person in the car will run out completely shocked and scared :)
Somewhere on the internet, someone put blades on the paper-receiving wheels and turned it into a heavy-duty paper shredder.
shupola said:
buy some r/c parts: wheels, motor, electronics and make it into a cool one of a kind r/c car:p
Then connect it to a wireless print server, then u can print wirelessly and have the printer come to you :p
lol that would be quite cool that would save me a lot of time but then it would have to be low and could easily be trod on or kicked around :( well in my house anyway
leave it outside in the rain and wind and cold untill it gets all rusty inside and filthy. Then people will say "why is you printer outside?"
Then look at them with evil shifty eyes and say...
"It asked to many questions!"
See if you can overclock it! Haha, it'll be burnin' rubber when you get pages spewing out like a newspaper press :D
hmm, get a axe bottle, and get a match, and yea. or u can just use it to take out ur anger. so u can stabb it with a knife and stuff. better than stabbin someone right? lol.... well mayb its not better than stabbin a real person, but its safer and nothin bad will happen right? wel... IF u take out teh ink cartridges. lol