Apple or Windows-based Laptop


New Member
Hello all,

Pretty soon me and the misses are getting new laptops. We don't need anything high end, but nothing low end. Something that can be used for school, website design and other activities. What would be better to get an why? An Apple laptop or Dell/Gateway/Sony? :confused: Thanks for the help!
Same as for desktops, unless you have a specific intention/requirement for an Apple-only feature then I'd go with PC-based notebooks. You'll get a lot more life and flexibility out of them. As for brands to hunt down..... stay away from Sony (too expensive, not enough performance). If I were buying an OEM Laptop, Id look into Dell, Toshiba, Acer and HP (Acer is prolly my fav then Toshiba)
Ok thanks Praetor. There was no specific need for an apple-based laptop. I just wanted one because I've used them before and always just seem to prefer their platform better than windows. More personal preference than anything, but I wanted to know did either have an edge on each other. Thanks again.
Realistically speaking neither platform really has an edge. Mac users will argue that their systems perform btter, PC users will argue inital cost, flexibility and upgradeability. Personally, I'd use a PC laptop.
PDJBoy, as I am into web designing (Dont peek ay my system specs as My Software usage must be 4 times as yours), let me know which software you'll be using for that?

I am on PC, just because as Praetor mentioned, your horizon expands for software usage, but as if the word DESIGNING is concerned, I agree (most will not) first thing that comes into mind in hardware is APPLE, and if to say that I have only used PC's, wrong, I am thankful to God providing me oppurtunity to use wide range of Operating systems, and I loved MAC OS (pm me if you want to know specifically benefits of MAC OS) , otehr reasons of keeping my self with PC is, larger development capability, as you can run almost every database server (Access, SQL Server included), plus I use some more softwares that arent available on MAC, ACDSee (if you agree), only 1 software that isnt on PC Platform is, Final Cut, Motion, Shake :(. But I wont Buy MAC for them specifically, as I'll wait, as if Microsoft came with MS Office for MAC, Apple will surely return the deed in developing these for PC Platform :).
but as if the word DESIGNING is concerned, I agree (most will not) first thing that comes into mind in hardware is APPLE
True but this is rapidly changing. If you checked out the comparisons between the G5 and the FX53 on a bunch of "traditionally Apple" benchmarks, there's a shocker in there for ya :)

I'll wait, as if Microsoft came with MS Office for MAC
They do have an MS Office for mac :)
Praetor said:
They do have an MS Office for mac :)

the sentence folllowing is included, excuse my ignorance for mis-use of commas, as I have got entangled in British and American English since I came to London. as Prior to that all my education was in American english, and Now i'm feeling like forced to comply with british english :), still my PC is on American and I would have kept my keyboard on it as wel, if I have not been using ££££ symbols :).
PDJBoy said:
Dell/Gateway/Sony? :confused: Thanks for the help!

forgot to mention this brand mafia particularly,

if u think wisely, whats inside each of built machine regardless of the type (PC/Laptop) same Intel Processor, same Motherboard chipset, does these systems builders add their own things?? NO.

I never had recommended Sony to anyone, its just like, a Levis jeans costs more just becuse it has Levis tag, may be you are getting some other jeans cheaper but having better fabric, you'll obviously prefer Levis (at least I wont) as it has a brand tag.

same goes for the Electronics, most expensive I have seen is IBM, but if you are holdng IBM in your hands, it'll make me stand out of a crowd, ah, this man is using IBM machine, a professional, a business man, a high-end consultant, or may be at hot-shot position at some company. same goes for Sony, as if you are holding Dell, Gateway, Compaq or any other third party manufacturer where will you stand? Student? May be some lower position client, but how come this internal hardware will be effected by using Branded tag on its lid? not a little. a machine built by IBM on 2.0Ghz processor will perform as well as manufactured by any other third party manufactured (assuming all other things remain same).

so lastly, choice is yours my friend. Buy IBM< you have to buy a pair of suit as well ;), but Dell/Compaq, you'll remain free soul, wear whatever you can, jeans, shors, suit :), hope you got the idea behind.
the sentence folllowing is included, excuse my ignorance for mis-use of commas, as I have got entangled in British and American English since I came to London. as Prior to that all my education was in American english, and Now i'm feeling like forced to comply with british english , still my PC is on American and I would have kept my keyboard on it as wel, if I have not been using ££££ symbols .
LOL minor technicality really ... except sometimes those commas have some serious implications

does these systems builders add their own things?? NO.
Custom BIOSes or rather, limited custom BIOSs

same goes for the Electronics, most expensive I have seen is IBM
I'd argue Sony ;)
yes BIOS etc, but for customizing purposes only, i'll see SONY VAIO logo when restarting, as now Asus have started, Big Screen Logo (started from A7N8X and Beyond) no big change in hardware, as Functions in BIOS remains the same.
as now Asus have started, Big Screen Logo (started from A7N8X and Beyond)
They had that since the A7V333 and possibly even since the A7V266

no big change in hardware, as Functions in BIOS remains the same.
I dunno about Sony but consider Dell for instance (and IBM too), have you tried to OC a Dell tower or an IBM noteook? Not an easy task to do and even if you can get started on that there's no way you can OC to the same extent as you could for a "built it yourself" rig.
Thanks a lot for the replies Praetor and Blind Arrow. I have been considering a dell, mainly for my girl because of the entry level prices and she really doesn't use pc's that much other than for school. I think I might go with a Dell for myself. I understand what you were saying about the brand names. I think I might just go for something with good hardware schematics and not give to much weight to brand names. I'll just do my homework on Apple though a little more before I come to a final decision. Blind Arrow, I'm very interested in knowing the benefits of a Mac OS. I'll PM you shortly. Thanks again.
Have a look into Acer, they've got some systems with a very good performance-price ratio ... Dell's too rich for me
Cool, thanks alot. I was looking at their Ferrari System...very nice. I want to move towards a 64-bit processor and that system has it, so I think I might be sold on that one.
That emachines laptop looks pretty good. But what I read about using refurbished parts kind of has me "iffy" about emachines. I'll have to look more into it.
Yeah i know but i think for the large part eMachines have stopped doing that (because of consumer reaction).... i wrote the synpopsis for a buddy of mine looking to get an affordable laptop with a lot of performance and features. He checked it out and told me that it was not made with refurbished parts ... :)
Cool, I'll have to look into that. I was looking at the specs of the Acer Ferrari at work and it seems to be a very serious notebook. Despite the glam of having the Ferrari trim it does have some good actual performance. I am just going to look around and see how much one goes for in a retail store (which I think will be hard to find) or if all else fails I'll resort to ebay or an online store. Still have some time though. Thanks again for all your help Praetor.
Not a problem -- look long and hard -- ive been looking for the last 4 months ... gauging prices, market trends etc ... lots of kewl stuff out there but some will last some wont. :)
Yeah I know what you mean about the prices. The price in stores like BestBuy and Circuit City are even a little outrageous. Being part of the AFL-CIO gives me a nice discount at Dell, but that Acer Ferrari sort of has me sold just looking at the specifications and reading some reviews on it. Still have a few weeks though like I said, so we'll see. Which notebooks are you considering?