audio problem in burnt video

ok so i hooked my vcr up to my pc, and i converted a vhs into a data file.....

the data file was audio porblems or anything

then i put it into sonic mydvd to add a menu, and i previewed it...still ok

then i burnt it, and i played it on the dvd player downstairs, adn the soud was all staticky and messed up.......

is this a burn error or do you guys think that this has something to do with sonic

i used an hp dvd+r and burnt at 2x i think...or maybe 4x but not higher that that
what kind of speakers do u have on the comp? sometimes if they are just basic desk speakers, u wont hear the imperfections in the sound until u play it on the tv or car stereo, etc. how badly was the sound distorted/staticky???
the sound was very badly distorted.....yopu could not hear anything..just the static

im just using the speakers on my lcd, but the sound downstaris was a noise, not a sound....