Automation Software


New Member
I'm looking for an automation software that I can use to do a deployment of new laptops.

I would like to be able to have it install all the software and have it do specific configuration I need done as well as give me options for the installation. IE selecting the right time zone for where the computer will be at. I would rather have a popup menu asking me all those question and then it does it all for me.

I could just do an image but that would involve me having so many different images for all the different scenarios.


New Member
Do you have access to a box running Windows Server? If you do, then you could just use Group Policy and deploy the software and set the timezone automatically under an Active Directory environment.


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
You could also just install it on a machine, enter system audit after install (when you enter username vis Shift+Ctrl+F3), make the changes you need, and then shutdown the system (use Sysprep to start the new system out of the box, generalize to generate new SID's for each install) then clone the drive to whatever machines you need.


New Member
I was thinking of doing that too... just I want to pass this along to one of the juniors on the team and I'm not sure they are capable of doing it without messing something up.

The joys of having to delegate your work lol