Avast internet security can't browse , can't access a shared document


Dear folk

Avast forum wasn't able to provide advice on my issue

I have avast internet security installed on Desktop windows 7.

Desktop is acting as home server (i.e shared drive, shared printer )

My other two laptops can't ping the desktop unless i have to disable Avast ,,,,sometime my email client on desktop won't work unless I have to disable avast

Recently laptops can't print to my usb printer that was shared via desktop



New Member
No, no. Not under firewall. Avast doesn't care what you set as exception in firewall, it has it's own base. Put exception right into avast, what file to ignore. I have same problem all over. It doesn't matter what I run, avast always perform a check and either set it in his list or bans it. If it troubles you, just turn it off while you do what you have to do.