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New Member
Hey guys.
Simple question and short question. Thanks in advance
I have an hd radeon 6950 2gb and am looking to upgrade some time in the future. What can you guys suggest for me that is in an affordable price range?
As stated, 'affordable' has a gigantic range depending on person.

I wouldn't really go for anything below a 280x/760, though.

Alternatively you could find another cheap 6950 and roll crossfire depending on the rest of your system.
What's the rest of your system specs? What's your budget? What screen resolution do you game at? Are you ok with medium high settings or looking for ultra?
What's the rest of your system specs? What's your budget? What screen resolution do you game at? Are you ok with medium high settings or looking for ultra?

I should have included more info
My specs here
I play games at 1680x1050. I'd say affordable for me is up to about 350-400 dollars and I'm looking for ultra settings. I've been looking around and so far the gtx 970 looks affordable and quite nice on performance
Based off your current specs I would say the GTX 970 is a safe bet that will provide you with a great upgrade. You'll be able to play any game on ultra with the 1680:1050 resolution.