Barebone Kits


New Member
Hi Everybody, this is my first post here...

I just had a couple questions. First, I am looking to spend about $300 on a barebone kit. Where should I get one? Are some mobo's better than others? Once I get my barebone I will add my hard drive, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and video card. Where is the best place to get all of this? What are the best brands? I am looking to build my own computer (not including monitor) for about $650.
just a personal opinion... I would check and see what sort of barebones they have... I would stay away from pcchips or ecs... They aren't totally bad I suppose... they work, but of 3 ECS boards I have used... I have had all 3 eventually fail on me... pcchips is even cheaper than ecs so I have never even thought about them as a decision.. you "usually" get what you pay for... I personally love MSI/Gigabyte great boards and they always have competitive prices for their boards.. just my 2¢.. sure a lot of others feel differently

Hey guys. Thanks for your replies. Do you know the model of the one at tigerdirect? I'll check it out. I was leaning more towards P4, but I'm leaving my options open.
No Barebone?

So you're saying I shouldn't get a barebone? I'm not experienced at all at building computers. The most I've done is put in a card into a PCI slot. So I would need to buy a case, a mobo, RAM, hard drive, DVD and CD drive? And on top of that, speakers, keyboard, mouse, monitor? SOunds more expensive to me. But you guys know what you're talkin about.
By the way, I have a budget of $600 not including monitor. I will do light video-editing, music, very light gaming, and just internet and Word.
Thanks a lot,
if you buy a mb/athlon 64 combo try .. they give you a free copy of HL2, and FarCry... then choose the case/PS of your choice... it isn't hard to put together yourself... a dozen screws and a few plugs is all...
I just had a couple questions. First, I am looking to spend about $300 on a barebone kit. Where should I get one? Are some mobo's better than others? Once I get my barebone I will add my hard drive, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and video card. Where is the best place to get all of this? What are the best brands? I am looking to build my own computer (not including monitor) for about $650.
I dunno about where to get stuff [online] because i buy 99% of my stuff in person. As for motherboards, yes it does indeed matter (performance and quality wise) which boards you get. There are a couple other platforms you might want to consider (depending on the intent of the system, which you'll need to enlighten us with) from a Sempron754 to a PentiumM setup :)

ya, tigerdirect is good for barebones buy why!? u're gunna get ripped off on a barebone, just build it
Have a look :D