Battlefield 3 Thread


Active Member
I just go done playing a few hours of multiplayer. It seems like I have to play as an engineer to win any Conquest games. Apart from having a good team that works together to cap positions, it seems that whatever team has the most tanks wins. I kinda feel like I get killed more by vehicles than infantry. It kinda ruins the multiplayer experience for me.

I also hate that they have added regenerating health for both infantry and vehicles. That takes out a lot of the reason for deploying medic bags and using the repair tool to try to aid a teammate with a tank. I just kinda feel that BFBC2 had it right and BF3 took a lot more steps towards COD.

Anyone with me?


VIP Member
I'm with you.

What this game needs (in order of importance)

1) Commander, squad, map & voip functions the same as BF2 (in game not we based)
2) In game server browser and favourites list
3) To come to other digital distributors (steam, etc) and to ditch origin as a requirement for singleplayer
4) Non-regenerating health, for vehicles at the very least.

What do you think? BF3 could easily get GOTY if it had the above. The graphics are already up to scratch.


Active Member
I'm with you.

What this game needs (in order of importance)

1) Commander, squad, map & voip functions the same as BF2 (in game not we based)

I never played BF2 but it would be nice to have some central idea on how to play multiplayer

2) In game server browser and favourites list

There is a favorites list but it is in the browser. :/ Still not happy with that decision.

3) To come to other digital distributors (steam, etc) and to ditch origin as a requirement for singleplayer

Agreed 100% I don't want a whole bunch of different hosting programs just to play games. Especially when they do the same things.

4) Non-regenerating health, for vehicles at the very least.

yeah regenerating health in vehicles is absurd. I can buy that your body does heal itself over time. But my car does not repair it's own flats on the fly.

What do you think? BF3 could easily get GOTY if it had the above. The graphics are already up to scratch.

I bet it already has a good chance. Hell, BLOPS won a bunch of awards last year :p


Active Member
Even I wanna know how to shoot missiles, but I have a guess you need co-pilot for that :( and especially want to see bomber like missile drops on tanks, vehicals etc. :)


New Member
I would have to agree with vehicles, I stay away from conquest maps that have a bunch of heavy vehicles like tanks, choppers and so forth. Bout the only conquest map i play is grand bazaar and even then i find the vehicles annoy me sometimes when thats all the other team uses. Another thing that bugs me is the mortar i have played so many rounds where the top guys on both teams are the ones sitting in a corner mortaring the whole time.

As far as origin and the web based server thing i dont care for it but am getting used to it i hate having to exit the game completely to switch servers.

Also anyone played a operation metro conquest yet lol, nothing but nades, rockets and grenade launchers all game, easy way to rack up points for medic though just sit back and revive ever 2 seconds


New Member
Pretty much lol, best thing to do is go nuts literally, if you have a plane on your tail, play chicken with the floor, dont pull out until theyve broke off as chances ar eyour gunna die anyway :p

Just be sneaky and get behind them, iv just unlocked rocket pods for my jets doing the same thing lol :p Need to get AGM's though :/


Active Member
Nice! What are explosives that jets drop on the red smoke on the maps? Are they missiles or drop out bombs?


New Member
I think its guided missiles, unfortunately there are no bombs :/

If you have it on pc go into stats on battlelog, go to the vehicles tab and it show you all the unlocks.

Soon as you get heatseekrs and stealth its plain sailing, most people on bf3 atm are rubbish in planes so easy pickings. Its stingers that you need to look out for but you can outrun them if you go towards the nearest out of bounds edge :p

Good luck soldier :p


Active Member
I haven't tried the planes yet but if its only WASD and arrow keys then I think it will be easy for me to fly it, I have tried many games with WASD arrow keys to fly planes, so I think I will be good at the start.

I would mostly like to kill tanks/vehicals from the sky.
Death From Above!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Iirc its one or the other, like heatseekers are for planes and AGM's are for tanks and vehicles. That said you can have your cannons for air support and amg's for ground support.

You can also get rocket pods which are good for either :p


Active Member
Play in hardcore or infantry only games, both solve your 2 bigger complaints.

I like having the tanks I just think that BF3 is too dependant on them. In BFBC2 when I played on Oasis, there was one tank and it spawned every once in a while. It was a good challenge if the other team got it and a bonus if your team did.

In BF3 it seems that there are at least 3 tanks on the field at a given time and a few flying units. it just gets to me when I go on a streak to cap a position only to get my head taken off by a tank that just happens to waltz into the HQ. Just personal opinion.


New Member
Thats the way bf is, bf 1942 was insance with the amount of stuff, as was bf vietnam and bf2 :p

It was culled a bit with bf2142 and then recently with bc and bc2.

But on the older ones i barely remember being killed by infantry, it was always air or ground vehicles.


Active Member
The servers are being upgraded now, lets see how it goes on from here.

Till they come up I saw some Rocket pods and Guided Missiles vids on Youtube. I liked the Guided ones. . Nice!!!
Now I am pretty sure how Tanks are vulnerable to jets. But jets are vulnerable to jets only haha. . . even to ground attackers. . but not as much as Heli cops
Jets are FAST!!!!
I wish they were flawless :)
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New Member
jets are supposed to be getting buffed with the new patch, it was on egmdaily.

Hopefully theyll make the cannons more powerful, and 2 missiles destroy rather than disable

Too many times have i had someone jump out of a disabled jet to stop me from getting a kill.

I also hate how they dont like playing with someone in a jet better than them and jump before you even get a chance to lock on :mad:, happened last night i was just circling the map and no one would come near me in a jet they just kept jumping when i started the chase :p

EDIT: Some patch info, i think its legitimate, iv not seen anything off egm that isn't tbh.
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