Best 1


New Member
wuts the best GAMING pci (ya ya i no but im that poor, lol jk) video card out there and i dont meen those multimedia cards like just gameing performance ones not the all-in-ones.
Yea I'm intrested in the 40 Gb but I'm only 14 and my budget is veeery low. I am wondering what is the lowest price u will sell it at?
fx5700LE is probably the best PCI card you can find

noobie21....what are you talking about man :confused:
wow for some reason i just realized the glory of praetors comp athlon64-3500!!!! 1 gb 3700!!!! and .64 a terabyte and a great great video card, wheer do u get all this money or did u buy cheap and make it
Well he's 21 and most probably has a good job using all his cool computer knowledge...I aspire to this except I wanna make computer games.
wow for some reason I just realized the glory of praetors comp athlon64-3500!!!! 1 gb 3700!!!! and .64 a terabyte and a great great video card, wheer do u get all this money or did u buy cheap and make it
Who ever said it needed a lot of money? ;) Its craploads cheaper than you think it is ... it is afterall a budget machine to keep my performance requirements saited before i switch to opterons for the stuff i do