Best headphones available for $300


New Member
im looking for the best available sound quality headphones for 300-400 bucks. any recommendations? Thanks:):)
Wow, people are actually willing to spend $300-$400 on headphones?!

thanks for the productive comment. and yea people do. just look at beats. they aren't that good but people still drop 300 for them. there are headphones that sell for 1,500 and people still buy them.
thanks for the productive comment. and yea people do. just look at beats. they aren't that good but people still drop 300 for them. there are headphones that sell for 1,500 and people still buy them.

Those people have more money then brains.

If you don't have a nice dedicated Sound Card, $400 headphones are pointless.
There seems to be a disturbing lack of audiophiles on this site. :(

I recommend JVC and Sennheiser. JVC is good for the price. I like the sound quality of my XX HA-M5X which are about $35. The build quality sucks arse, but the sound is okay. Sennheiser is pretty much the best you can get, but you have to pay well for their quality. A HT-Omega sound card would be about the minimum to take advantage of them.
these are all very good and less than 300. Though you still need a very good sound card to back them up.
There seems to be a disturbing lack of audiophiles on this site. :(

I recommend JVC and Sennheiser. JVC is good for the price. I like the sound quality of my XX HA-M5X which are about $35. The build quality sucks arse, but the sound is okay. Sennheiser is pretty much the best you can get, but you have to pay well for their quality. A HT-Omega sound card would be about the minimum to take advantage of them.
these are all very good and less than 300. Though you still need a very good sound card to back them up.

i'd def go for around the ear and a card like this

or since you got the money, these should be good
Thanks guys for the help. i love great audio quality and im saving up money to get this stuff. im not exactly wealthy but im really good at saving money and LOVE high quality things. thats why I want nice headphones. I dont have many things but what i do have is very nice.
You will love the quality when you can get it. A good sound card and headphones are like a Shilke, Brevet, or Silver Flair trumpet. Once you use one, everything else sounds like arse when you use them.
I recommend against that setup. The headphones are great, the card, not so much. If you want an asus, go for the If you want something in the same price range as the asus you selected, go for The Cmedia chips are much clearer than the asus chips in my experience. If you game, go for the Asus AV100 or AV66. If you are looking for music, stick with Cmedia, either the 8888DHT or the 8788.
The HT OMEGA eClaro sure is sweet! And i thought my M Audio Delta 1010 will never be outclassed :(
I recommend against that setup. The headphones are great, the card, not so much. If you want an asus, go for the If you want something in the same price range as the asus you selected, go for The Cmedia chips are much clearer than the asus chips in my experience. If you game, go for the Asus AV100 or AV66. If you are looking for music, stick with Cmedia, either the 8888DHT or the 8788.

The problem is i listen to music a lot and game a lot. which one should i get?
AV100 will be better gaming and can music well. CM8788 plays music really good, and can game okay. To let you know what to get, we need to know what is better to you. Do you want top dog gaming audio with passable music, or do you want the best music with passable gaming?
AV100 will be better gaming and can music well. CM8788 plays music really good, and can game okay. To let you know what to get, we need to know what is better to you. Do you want top dog gaming audio with passable music, or do you want the best music with passable gaming?

I think I would rather have better music then better gaming, although im really split on the decision.