Best Music Player

I was wondering which is the best looking only looks not the codecs. music/audio player software for windows vista
I just want to consider looks and please dont say windows media player or winamp
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I hav just used windows media player , VLC and windows media player classic and winamp i didnt like looks of anyone of them.Can someone tell me any other player that looks good
Cog... Oops, maybe that's just for mac?

VLC looks nice. Why don't you like WMP? Just get some nice alienware themes!
Yepp but I have already used that and got pretty bored of it i want a player that only plays audio files and looks awesome DJ kinda stuff
They're basically all the same, for strictly audio players. Some are better or a lighter load. I think for the DJ look and all, KMPlayer would work for you
I prefer Winamp, there are plenty of skins for it, if you just looked at the stock skin then i dont blame you for hating it :p
I never really look at my audio player, and I just use iTunes for convenience. TBH, I'd say WMP is the best looking, especially since it can be controlled from the dock.
But winamp can play video to I guess and
Is there any software displaying speakers or woofers as basic skin and no visualization cause i saw this kind of software once does anyone know its name