Big will rofl

Minus the graphics card your pc is very similar to mine and I get around 70+ on css so there is definitely a problem.

Perhaps there is something running in the background draining your resources?
Minus the graphics card your pc is very similar to mine and I get around 70+ on css so there is definitely a problem.

Perhaps there is something running in the background draining your resources?
Lets see i have xfire,RGSC,firefox,steam.I had the same issue with my vista ultimate x64 so i thought it was the os so i installed xp pro again.i thinking maybe my video cad is going?not enough power?i have a 500 watt coolmax power supply.i have just the cpu,video card,mobo,hard additional fans or anything like that.
You have a 9600GT trying to run GTA IV...What kind of results do you expect? GTA IV is a very demanding game on processor and graphics cards both. You are actually lucky you even get 37 FPS with that.

What res are you trying to run?
You have a 9600GT trying to run GTA IV...What kind of results do you expect? GTA IV is a very demanding game on processor and graphics cards both. You are actually lucky you even get 37 FPS with that.
Yo bud try reading.Im having problems with css.
i have dods minimized right now i have firefox,xfire,steam,HD audio deck and dods running it WTM says CPU Usage:12% PF Usage:738MB
Hm out of curiosity do you have AMD cool'n'quiet enabled in bios?

I'm running on Windows 7 x64 with no extra drivers or anything and i don't know of any dual/quad core optimizers.
Well I would suggest turning that off. What it does is underclock your processor when it is not being used. If my theory is correct ironically enough css isn't taxing your processor enough to push the clocks back up and thus you are suffering terrible frame rates.
dubesinhower thanks for your unneeded info..Redbull i turned off cool'n'quiet..Is there anything else i should turn off i also turned off this other option but i forgot what it was called..
i disabled the TLB fix and this thing runs very fast.i get 200+ fps in css and dods.i got 54 fps in the gta iv benchmark.Thank you redbull for your time to post.