Buggy Mouse?


New Member
I have a Logitech G9 Mouse, its a bit old now... maybe 4 years old?

I took it to the net cafe cause the net cafe mouses suck, and when I took it back home and plugged it back in it started getting buggy?

I can't drag windows properly now, as if it can't hold onto them like when I click and drag them they just lets go while I'm still holding down the click, and when I do single clicks sometimes it does double clicks, its non consistent.

I tried updating the drivers but that doesn't work

I've also tested another mouse and the other mouse works perfectly fine, also tested my mouse on another computer at home and it does the same thing.

Buggy mouse? maybe on the way to net cafe some bumps may have set it off?

Any help?
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VIP Member
Or.... it got banged around in transit?

I had a laser logitech mouse a few years ago that worked fine one morning and when I got back home after class I couldnt left click. They are good mice while they last but once they go bad thats all she wrote.

The button inside the mouse usually comes loose from the solder, or more often the button is degraded and wont work properly. Try taking it apart and see if its a loose solder joint or a loose wire. But if the button itself is broken its time for a new mouse. Ive tried to replace the button, but its hard to find just the right type, not worth the time I think.