Build or Buy? Never built before.


VIP Member
nd4spd said:
now a couple of you have me scared? what is so difficult about it... i dont understand... what kind of problems can come up?

Problems. Well the biggiest problems comes when you buy parts that not compatiable with each other. Next problem is you are sent a part that dont work. It usually easy to get parts replace by where you buy it from. The hard part is identifing which part you have that you got that bad.

If you pick out the right parts. If you dont get very unlucky and sent a broken part then putting it togeather is as simple as following directions and I cant think of many problems with the actural putting togeather part.


Staff member
now if he doesn't try.. how else is he going to learn??
By watching.

Drivers you install after insalling the OS. They just like installing any application.
Except the sad thing is, that as easy as it should be, 90% of the people that think they know how to ... dont. ;)

so u don't recommend it?
Doesnt matter what he, or I, or anyone else thinks really: if you're up to it and want to learn then go for it ... if you do intend to go for it, it's probably ideal to have someone that knows their way around computers around just in case :)

now a couple of you have me scared? what is so difficult about it... i dont understand... what kind of problems can come up?
the problem is simple:
1. Building a computer can be simple. Usually is.
2. Lots of people who have a bit of computer knowledge and have built a few systems here and there have good experiences (rightly so). Unfortunately, many of those people dont know what to do when "wierd shit" happens (and yes it does happen, uncommon as it may).

Generally you wont encounter any problems if yer careful and take yer time but do be aware that strange crap does happen from time to time :)