Build vs dell/hp etc.


New Member

Me and a friend built the computer I have now in 2005 and its times for an upgrade.

Is it still cheaper to build rather than buy from the likes of dell/hp etc. They seem like pretty good deals when you take the widescreen monitors and printers and all the jazz that comes with. A few people have told me they cheap out on components i.e. you get the CPU and graphics card and then the cheapest of everything else.

So generally speaking is it worth it to build yourself.

I have a case and a 400 watt PSU, monitor, dvd burner, mouse and keyboard. (will I need a better PSU for modern CPU etc) so I only really need a cpu, mobo, memory and prob a new hd. Though a new widescreen monitor would be cool.

so I will be able to build a similar or better system for a relative price?

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New Member
if you built your current computer, then jus upgrade the parts thats needed. no need to spend $ on a whole new computer.


New Member
Sometimes it is cheaper and sometimes more expensive depending on the parts you choose. The more important reason to build is to get a machine that is easy and cheap to repair or upgrade. The name brand computers usually have proprietary elements that lock you into their parts.


New Member
that's somewhat true, they give you a nice cpu and video card, but power supplies and memory might not be so great. but, if you think your '05 is already obsolete, then it wouldn't matter if you go dell/hp, since 4ys is about their lifespan anyways.
if you find a good deal, with fast cpu and video card, with a printer and monitor, i would say go for it. but if you absolutely must have the overclockable ram and juicy power supply for a dual video card setup, then it would be better to build it yourself.